So it's official?

Sad to hear about your issue, like others stated, i am on my 4th Rocket and aside for the timing issue created for the dealer i had zero mayor issues so far, hope you figure it out soon.
Thanks bud. Appreciate the input. When you say you’re on your 4th rocket, do you mean older model R3’s, or are you now riding the newer R3r rocket version?
Vibration when it's rolling? If the vibes aren't there when it's sitting still (motor running) then there's an issue with the running gear. It could be any number of things, have your dealer contact Triumph and see if there are other reports of your problem. The early model Rockets had teething issues, one of which was the trans output shaft bearing being installed backwards at the factory. You may have a factory installed problem and Triumph needs to make it right.

And for the record I ride all three of my current Triumphs and none have a vibration issue. My 05 Rocket had no vibes either.
Can’t wait to get this thing onna dyno. I’m positive th
Can’t wait to get this thing onna dyno. I’m positive th
Positive the dyno technician will absolutely verify a significant vibration at high speed. If he’s even able to stay on it. I’ve not had it past 185km/h, as it feels dangerously unstable. 95 left to go? I wish him luck with that.
Positive the dyno technician will absolutely verify a significant vibration at high speed. If he’s even able to stay on it. I’ve not had it past 185km/h, as it feels dangerously unstable. 95 left to go? I wish him luck with that.
It would be interesting if the vibration was wind induced, i.e. no vibration on the dyno. What is your tire wear like? Any cupping? You running a stock tire? You have piqued my curiosity with your dilemma. I recall a thread where the windscreen caused a fair amount of headshake but not "vibration." Post up what the dyno shows, you might even video the event so we can see what happened.
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Is there anyway you can go to the dealer and have a tech ride along side of you on the freeway and when you feel the vibration let him know and then have him ride it back at the speed you obtained the vibration? I'm grasping at straws but why again won't you take it in to the dealers until spring? Maybe have them keep it until they do find the problem since rainy season is upon you why not now? let them hold onto it and maybe on a slow clear day they find the problem. Waiting until spring isn't something I could do but then again the dealer is relatively close. On the downside my 05 Rocket was in the shop for 3 months and they never remedied the problem but they spent 100 hours (they said) trying to find it.
Bike only has 5K km on it. Tires look n feel good. Vibration was immediate, and extremely high frequency. Almost unnoticeable at first except for numbness in my extremities after barely a few miles. Because of breaking in speed duration/rpm limits, I didn’t get a chance to take it up to higher gear/ higher speed variables on the open highway until weeks later. I found that the higher the speed, and higher the gear, the worst the vibration got. Very odd, I would have thought that a higher gear would have lowered rpm, thereby reducing the vibration. Indeed the frequency of the vibration lessened in 6th gear. But the shaking, and instability of the bike approaches a level of utter in tolerability. I will video the dynamometer test. But again....that won’t be until spring. Thx for your interest
Thought earlier post you said the faster you go. The worse the vibration and wondered about your safety? Even on this post, but then " it lessened in 6th gear? Confusing.
Thought earlier post you said the faster you go. The worse the vibration and wondered about your safety? Even on this post, but then " it lessened in 6th gear? Confusing.
Confusing indeed. There are many factors involved with this problem. I find it difficult to stitch everything seamlessly into short, staggered posts. The vibration does get worse with speed. When saying “lessened in 6th gear”. I was referring to the frequency of the vibration. Slower frequency, but worsening vibration. It’s all very confusing to try and explain something I don’t fully understand myself. Sorry if I’m starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist now or something. Super grateful for any and all interest