Hey guys these are photos of the upgrade kit parts on his Rocket.
somehow the pictures from photot bucket went on a lsd trip last night I will try to reload tonight
I can't see the pic's :? All I get is a lot of abstract colors for each one. Is anyone else having this problem? I've tried viewing them in both IE and Firefox....
I can't see the pic's :? All I get is a lot of abstract colors for each one. Is anyone else having this problem? I've tried viewing them in both IE and Firefox....
I saw them too, pieces from Taiwan wrapped in plastic! Made me feel so warm and fuzzy knowing my British bike was made in Taiwan! Like riding my old Harley made in China!
Hey guys I loaded them last night and this morning it looked like I was back in the 70's and on a good trip without leaving the farm.
I will delete the files from photobucket and try again tonight.
Thanks skid I deleted everything from photbucket and reloaded but not as fast as you. I sure wish I new what happened?
Anyway you have the skill now so go find the show a picture of your Rocket and post a picture of your beastie