Six years with the Roadster, what next ?

It might also be a matter of where one lives. Obviously, with the German Autobahn next door, it is a bit of a different story. No speed limit, and the average cruising speed even of family vans around 90-100 mph in many places. So this might explain why I do look for a fairing, and why it was so important for me to get a steering damper on my R3R.
The H2 is fast and from what I gleaned from the IronButt UK guys is a VERY accomplished long range tourer. Like 5000miles in a long weekend. Now that's more than I would want to do in a week, but is testimony to the comfort.

If you've not driven/ridden the German Autobahn in the open stretches - you cannot imagine the buffeting "cruising" at 220kmh even in a big streamlined Jag. @warp9.9 knows about crosswinds on an R3.

Nothing with a US style screen will stay stable for long - it's simple physics. Air pressure builds as the square of velocity.
Did my first 50 miles on the new toy today. Wow, this thing really moves. It is actually pretty big and not a light bike, standing next to the Roadster it looks similar in size. I have to get used to the sporty rider triangle again, though it is far more comfy then the Hayabusa was.
Concerning performance, it feels really fast. I think from 2nd gear it will leave my Roadster far behind, even though it is not much stronger in terms of RWHP. (Roadster currently 163whp, H2SX around 170whp stock). It is very, very planted and solid at higher speeds, wind protection is good, but I got a nice bug collection on the helmet already.
All in all it seems to live up to the hype, and will be a great companion for my R3R.