Sissy Bar Looks Good Mittzy, I actually like the fact the they are in several parts as I like to be able to switch between my topbox (didn't have it on for RDU as was in process of painting it, it still needs the rack section) when in touring mode with bags and touring windshield and the sissy bar with flyscreen and no bags when just doing day rides and around the place.
There are some nice skelital hand holding the the mirrors on some of the US websites like cruiser customising also seen some nice ones under hundred on E-Bay:cool:
talking about sissy bar any one in ozzie land knows where we stand in relation to the quick disconnet sissybar from ponters.. I have put aside some cash for them but christmas is coming up soon and wife may pilfer my stash..
Sissy Bar Looks Good Mittzy, I actually like the fact the they are in several parts as I like to be able to switch between my topbox (didn't have it on for RDU as was in process of painting it, it still needs the rack section) when in touring mode with bags and touring windshield and the sissy bar with flyscreen and no bags when just doing day rides and around the place.
There are some nice skelital hand holding the the mirrors on some of the US websites like cruiser customising also seen some nice ones under hundred on E-Bay:cool:

Thanks Hans, The skeleton thing is not me but thanks. I will give the cutting out the inserts a go first and if that fails i will look into replacing on ebay or something.