So for all other silver motor owners.. Your motor us fine. I just screwed mine up. Not a problem with the silver finish.. Now, I have to figure.. what to do.. It will be a while though, bike is running too good (although I will need to replace the clutch plates soon) and Fall is here!
My 05 is bubbling and cracking on the right side, but the left looks good. I have chips and scratches in the paint too. No way in H E double hockeysticks am I going to put out good money to fix it up though. The Rocket has earned its grey hair and wrinkles. Its an old war horse now, but a long way from being put out to least I hope....
be careful what you clean the gray engines with,mine seemed to blister after cleaning with brake seems to make it soft at first,then it started cracking and blistering,on a lighter note,silver engines are becoming rarer as more bikes get black engines