Signed paintwork

just noticed my tank has sumthin on it too.......aww no, its just where my B@lls have been rubbin LoL

That was funny

But it was cool to see Mr Smiths signing...not your nuts scuffing up the paint!
F#k...Now everytime I remove the seat I will think of slick rick

Anyway, I think these Triumphs have great paint jobs (not pretty )
Good quality and looks like some pride go in to the manufacture.

Malcy. Where do I find the Triumph magazine these days?
Signed on rear of tank below seat line on my 06 Classic. Standard practice.
My understanding is that the painters only signed paintwork they were proud of
And yes mine is signed as well
A closer look at my bike shows that it probably is pete also.....earlier I stated "pere" looks sort of weird. I removed my front tire today to re-skin and guess what I found. Yup! on the inside lower most edge of the right side ( right along the forks) Is another gold signature, it is NOT pete....I cant make it is a sig and I am looking at it upside down. i wondered if the fender was I know.
wasted days and....

Front fenders been worrying me, makin weird noises .Sounds like music..while checkin it out i saw a signiture....sure nuff...its signed by freddy.