just noticed my tank has sumthin on it too.......aww no, its just where my B@lls have been rubbin LoL:D

That was funny:D:D

But it was cool to see Mr Smiths signing...not your nuts scuffing up the paint!
F#k...Now everytime I remove the seat I will think of slick rick :eek::eek::eek:

Anyway, I think these Triumphs have great paint jobs (not pretty :eek:)
Good quality and looks like some pride go in to the manufacture.

Malcy. Where do I find the Triumph magazine these days?
Signed on rear of tank below seat line on my 06 Classic. Standard practice.
A closer look at my bike shows that it probably is pete also.....earlier I stated "pere"...it looks sort of weird. I removed my front tire today to re-skin and guess what I found. Yup! on the inside lower most edge of the right side ( right along the forks) Is another gold signature, it is NOT pete....I cant make it out...it is a sig and I am looking at it upside down. i wondered if the fender was signed......now I know.
wasted days and....

Front fenders been worrying me, makin weird noises .Sounds like music..while checkin it out i saw a signiture....sure nuff...its signed by freddy.:eek: