Side stand foot extension

There are plenty of flat areas by roads in Germany. Having a larger side stand foot allows much safer parking. And this is very popular accessory in Germany for all kinds of bikes.


Sorry for steering this thread off topic, but you're helping ;-), so....

No doubt that your roads are better, and flatter (sorry about that though), but do you not also have wind in Germany?

Someone's 2.3 with the much shorter kickstand that blew over.....

Also, parking in the opposite direction on a street here is an automatic ticket, but I assume that you mean at "beer gardens." We don't have those, but I live outside of Asheville, NC (named Beer City USA numerous times) where there is a micro brewery (or two) on nearly every block. BUT, not a flat spot on earth in sight here and wind...

I'm messing with you, of course- I'd love to ride in Germany sometime. I'm sure it's great.

Back to your post, and I know you want something more convenient, but I just carry one of these for those times when parking on soft ground....

or one of these...

A shorter kickstand with the "footie" you are looking for would solve everything.
@Journeyman, are you sure this is because of the wind? I see no other traces like broken branches on the trees. It could be that someone just pushed the bike. Besides that, this is just one accident, not massive phenomenon.

The only benefit of your footies is that you can always decide to put it or not. However, the bad sides are that you have to lean many times, stress your backs and have your pockets muddy.

Guys, I asked here do you know where to buy this, I didn't ask for arguments not to buy it.

I've already wrote, my almost 20 years of experience of using this on multiple bikes is just positive. If you park your bike wrong it can fall anyways having a foot extension or not. and your picture is just a proof of that. Even if it was that windy, you (or the owner) should not have parked the bike there, you (he) should have found some safe place by some wall or something.

If you look at GS forums, I am pretty much sure you will find people using this in the US. I can see that Revzilla offers some. If you look at German ebay for example, you will find thousands of offers but no one for R3. But I will keep searching.
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Journeyman, did you make this picture yourself?​

No, someone posted it. To be fair, they had a rain cover on it and it caught the wind, but considering the weight of these bikes it is a legitimate concern, most definitely with the 2.5s. I've parked mine on windy days and worried about it. Check the link above to see who posted and more on the need/desire for a shorter kickstand.
I think you guys would just like to see R3 looks more like chopper bikes. To lean 45 degrees when parked.

I repeat, R3 has very similar angle when leaned a side as other European bikes and I didn't have any trouble with the side stand with foot extension on multiple bikes. No one falled and I haven't heard anyone complaining of a fallen bike because of the extension. On the contrary, people use it for better security as 2-3 millimeters doesn't mean much. Just take care where you park and by night and bad weather you bike should be parked inside. If you park it wrong, 2-3 millimeters more or less would usually not help.

The new gen Rocket 3 doesn't need a kickstand extension like that bike does. USA bikes are too upright as it is. Parking requires forethought and concern. Even a slight crown from the road to shoulder is too much and the bike will tip over.
@stingray, I see you have multiple bikes. Can you make a picture of them from behind to check if R3 has less lean angle than others, please?

I want it anyways but I am just curious are American R3 kickstands different than European. And just to be clear, we are talking about kickstand foot extension and not kickstand itself extension.
That's what I said to do as well. The exact foot even but orange so you can see it when it blows away into the grass. Ask me how I know!

@acim - no one's arguing with you about your desire for a permanent footie or the benefit of one. I'd use one too IF the kick stand were shorter.

We tend to go off topic here frequently (almost always!)- it's good natured, so, just because we're not sharing with you where to get one (probably not in existence yet) don't take it personally. Trust me- you'll see this behaviour is not unusual. If you start another oil thread, for example (but please don't ;-), no one will admonish you and it will definitely not stay on topic.

The overturned bike is not mine. Ask @Tripps about it- not even sure if it was his, or if whoever it was knew that wind was coming in advance. Weather, at least here, can be very unpredictable.

I've owned many bikes: Yamahas and Hondas in my younger years, then BMW R1150RT and R1200RT, Bonneville, Thunderbird Sport, Trophy, Speed Triple and three Rockets. The 3R absolutely positively sits more upright with the kick stand down than any of those bikes.
Never had a chopper though....
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