Sorry for steering this thread off topic, but you're helping ;-), so....
No doubt that your roads are better, and flatter (sorry about that though), but do you not also have wind in Germany?
Someone's 2.3 with the much shorter kickstand that blew over.....
why not just grind a little off the bottom at the existing angle
Also, parking in the opposite direction on a street here is an automatic ticket, but I assume that you mean at "beer gardens." We don't have those, but I live outside of Asheville, NC (named Beer City USA numerous times) where there is a micro brewery (or two) on nearly every block. BUT, not a flat spot on earth in sight here and wind...
I'm messing with you, of course- I'd love to ride in Germany sometime. I'm sure it's great.
Back to your post, and I know you want something more convenient, but I just carry one of these for those times when parking on soft ground....
or one of these...
A shorter kickstand with the "footie" you are looking for would solve everything.