Tal, what’s the difference on having the Ram Air compared to the small K&N filters that looks the same size?
I had the small K&N filters and I jumped up and bought the 4040 K&N filters but had to cut bear claw to fit.
Now its at metal shop and the guy is making a cover to fit and he’s saying if I go 2 inches smaller he can make a nicer cover.
But he can still do it.
Is it worth keeping my new 4040 K&N filters ?
Or will the Ram Air be even better?
And if so how? When it seems those filters are not any bigger then the small K&N fitters I had on the bike.
Personally, i think the 4040's will be the best for volume of air, The Ramair and 2780's (i think mine are) are probably on par.
It then comes down to personal preference of look. The 4040's will need more room as they are bigger. The Ramair will live under the bearclaw and so too the 2780's i think. I like the exposed look. If you leave the bearclaw intact, then warm air off the motor will be drawn into the throttle bodies which is NOT what you want. The whole idea is to get cool air direct into the throttle bodies.
So, its up to you..If it were me, i'de be fitting those big bastards!..she will become a 'VERYSUCKYMOTOR"
When I was in Seattle Triumph fited aluminum all behind my throttle bodies for that reason so my K&N filters will not draw hot air from the engine.
So your saying I’ll be better off with my big 4040 K&N filters then the AirRam system?
Someone who has 4040's will climb in hopefully and enlighten you....i havn't had them so....
I have had the ramair and because the rubber under the clamps on the ramair broke, i took it off and put k&n's on. This problem of the thin rubber has been rectified on the Ramair now.
I have ran both the K&N 2780s and the Ram Air on the same bike and on the same dyno.
We found a RWHP increase with the Ram Air.
Dayton Beach a few years back...


And then we relaxed...