Shiny wheels

I have found four ought steel wool to be the best for initial cleaning and then your favorite polish.
I've tried many brands & all produce about the same results.

Steel wool on aluminum is a no no. If you use steel wool on aluminum two BAD things are likely to happen. Steel particles will be left from the steel wool on your aluminum rims. When the wheels get wet the particles will discolor and rust, staining your rims. Also, when the wheels get damp ( water is an electrolyte) you now have a battery, particles of the least noble metal will be drawn to the more noble metal. Corrosion will occur in the form of pitting as the aluminum degrades and coats the steel particles. This process will be accelerated in a salt air environment. Use of the 3M green scub pad is a better choice.
My bike had the worst case of the uglys I've seen. It looked like a clear coating coming off. I choose to have both chrome plated. A little pricey, $600.00. That was 40,000 miles ago. Still look great. Soap and water.
My buddy rides a 05 Rocket. Same ugly stick rims. He choose to have them dipped. 3 yrs. and still look great. His were done in Carbon Graphite and they look real.

Never ever happened to me in over 30 years and many moyorcycles. of couese, not on chrome wheels. As I stated, a cleaner is used in followup and would remive residue.
I used Mother's on my 07 Classic and unlike some, never really had an issue with staining. Thankfully the original owner of my 2009 Touring had them powder coated by the most expensive shop in Kitsap County where I live.

Now that I'd like to see. That's pretty common with the Harley guys but I've never seen a Rocket with chrome wheels. Can you post a pic?
Now that I'd like to see. That's pretty common with the Harley guys but I've never seen a Rocket with chrome wheels. Can you post a pic?
Sure can. I've got my bike on the lift with the bags off, exposing the rear wheel. Should make for a good look at the rear wheel. I'll post it tomorrow, Wednesday.