She's gone ...


.020 Over
Feb 5, 2012
Hertfordshire, UK
I'm afraid that my age has caught up with me, and the Rocket had to go - it became too painful to get my feet up on the boards due to a back complaint. A very sad day indeed.

I do have some parts that I no longer need, both of which are too heavy to post .....

A standard seat.

A 'Dolly' - very useful for whizzing it around the garage - see item from Jawel Paints on Ebay - it's very substantial, and the only one I could find that would take the weight of a Rocket.
Sorry for your back pain,
and especially sorry you had to let your Rocket go.
Eventually, time catches up with all of us.
At least the lucky ones.
Be thankful truly Thankful for the time you have left,
and just because you're Rocketless,
don't be a stranger.
once a Captain, Always a Captain...
take care and good luck.
Tough break about the back. I'm sure few of us can relate to your discomfort, although in my case fortunately it's a rare thing.

I wouldn't mind that dolly but of course out of the question. Someone over there wl want it for sure.

It's been good having you with us. Best wishes for the future.
I'm afraid that my age has caught up with me, and the Rocket had to go - it became too painful to get my feet up on the boards due to a back complaint. A very sad day indeed.

I do have some parts that I no longer need, both of which are too heavy to post .....

A standard seat.

A 'Dolly' - very useful for whizzing it around the garage - see item from Jawel Paints on Ebay - it's very substantial, and the only one I could find that would take the weight of a Rocket.

Sometimes out of something sad comes something happy, I may have your bike, I bought it from a dealer in Letchworth. It has gone to a very good home and gets pampered in a nice garage. Just looking through your post and it just seemed coincidental.

Please feel free to pm the reg.
Metal Guru,

Well done, you picked up a good'un there - I hope you love her as much as we did.
She was cosseted in a carpeted garage, and never ridden in the wet.
Very sad day when we had to part.
But I'll NEVER forget the grin on my face when I occasionally opened her up, nor the back-breaking acceleration (maybe that was what did it), or the sight of Merc sports cars disappearing in the mirrors!

Have fun, and stay safe.