Seven motorcyclists are dead after colliding with a pickup truck in New Hampshire

Thanks for the replies - I think here that size of trailer would require a 5th wheel or a full blown heavy goods traction unit and a forward axle on the trailer.
Very tragic...what a loss for all!..The trailer "looks" out of proportion to the truck to me...if the truck maybe blew a tire it would create havoc!...not saying it did but my point is it would take some handling should everything get out of shape. I have driven big rigs for years now and know how they react when things go wrong. If that unit crossed the centre line the driver would have his hands full! Unfortunately the bikers paid the price and maybe the driver of the truck by the look of the fire...real is weird sometimes...thoughts go out to all the family, friends, medics, bystanders etc who helped...a sad day.
You see that type of trailer around ga pulled by 1 tons all the time. Alot of small companies use them to move cars around
Now allow me a question.

Is that size of trailer usually towed by a pick-up?

I see know how so much carnage was possible.

In the states yes, as long as the pickup truck imo is at least a 3500 with dual wheels and a goose neck hitch. See them often pulling open car trailers with 3-4 vehicles.
Having done a lot of research into GVM, CVM..A lot of drivers towing trailers and caravans are usually well over the limits without even realising it.
As an vehicle has a maximum towing weight of 3000 kg....but once you do all the calcs, the maximum I can tow is 1836kg if my wife and I are in the vehicle with some luggage and other bits and pieces.

Those poor families.
Report says riders included ex-Marines.

Also says ute driver survived but police did not "reveal his wherëabouts."

As somebody who has "problems" riding in groups I cant really get my head around a lot of this particular story. It's sad of course, but something sounds very off somehow.
I’m with you. I’m much more comfortable riding alone...I assume every vehicle is about to cut me off,cross the line etc. If I ride with a group,for example,my 8 neighbors, I insist on being either leader,or tail gunner,if I’m gunner...I hang way back.
Very sad that this happened.
Ditto on group riding.