SEQ 8-9 Nov 14

Really enjoyed my outing today. Nice to meet some new faces, I really need to get out more. Little bit of a hiccup on the way to within a couple of k's from home (just near Bestbrook) thought I would give it a squirt, just slowing down about 300 metres from my driveway and got booked...122kph! He said he let me off at 120 to save me some money. $227 lucky he didn't get me 1 kilometre before that.
Richard, was looking at Les's grips, nice Iso copies, he said he got them through you. Just wondering if I could get a pair.

Sure. Order them tomorrow and get them to you in a couple of days. Do you want a throttle boss too?
really enjoyed the day out and meeting new people thanks for the ride will have to do it again soon
I dig the geography, Mate!
What has me confused is talk I read that it is warmer where you and HansO are than it is to the north toward Brisbane?
Seems to me the closer to the equator, the warmer the climate. Right? Wrong?

Well it's a bit complicated mate, latitude is only part of it. Canberra is actually the coldest of the Capitals but also one the hottest. Hot and dry in summer, frequently well over 40C (104F). That's what happens when you're 100 miles from the coast and 2000 ft above sea level. Adelaide and Melbourne are often hotter though. Bateman's Bay is way more temperate and doesn't get the extremes of Canberra; it's a bit closer to Sydney's weather. Brisbane has more of a sub-tropical climate. Rarely gets down to single figures in winter and not as hot in summer but much more humid.

Here endeth the lesson.
jeez that sucks @BigAl1952, at least you had backed off
Sure. Order them tomorrow and get them to you in a couple of days. Do you want a throttle boss too?

yes please mate, the fellas today were saying the longhaul duel seat with rider backrest (A9700186) fitting is still available at around $150, would it be stretching the friendship if you could look into that for me aswell.
I leave home at 3.30 and not home till after 5 so don't get much chance to chase up things.
Appreciate your help mate.

A9700186 is not showing as the correct part number but the seats are available; they're $165 (retail). I can get you one probably for a bit less - shipping will add a bit though. I'll send you a 'conversation' with an estimate of the 2 parts delivered.
Im theory you also need the mounting plate for the seat. Limited availability of those and they cost around $130. I'll include that in the estimate too but let me know if you want it.