Seeking Helmet advice!!!!

Hey Guys, do any of you fight the issue of the round head, that is a huge problem for me, not many options for us cue- balls

Arai has consistently had the best spectrum of lids for different head shapes and, although they are a premium priced line, you generally do get what you pay for. I was a religious user of Arai helmets for years until the newly redesigned bell Star line came out in '05, I think. It is just as good in quality as the arais are, but a tad lighter and flowed more air a bit more quietly (though, still requiring the use of ear plugs.

I would never buy a lid without trying it on for size first, so, if you can do the same, give the Arai 3/4 face, round shape a shot at a nearby authorized dealer's showroom!
Thanks I appreciate the info, I'll see if I can locate a dealer.
Arais website gives a good primer on their lineup and the various shapes of their shells... Arai Helmets, Parts and Accessories - Arai Helmets

Unfortunately, their fullface options are a lot more extensive than for their 3/4s. HJC makes some decent lids, so they are worth checking out, as well! Same thing for Fulmer's line.
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