Seeking Helmet advice!!!!

Hey Guys, do any of you fight the issue of the round head, that is a huge problem for me, not many options for us cue- balls

I agree, my wife doesn't need to be a widow or wiping my rear end the rest of my life, just trying to figure something that will work in the heat of summer, Ill check these out,
Where in the world are you located ? I wear a cotton due rag on my head to help soak up perspiration. I like it so much, I wear it year round.
Where in the world are you located ? I wear a cotton due rag on my head to help soak up perspiration. I like it so much, I wear it year round.
I live in the Tri-Cities of Eastern Wa. It's like the high desert here and in the summer it averages 100 to 115 most of the summer, makes for some sweaty riding, lol
I bought the Schubert C3Pro because I had never worn a full face helmet when I used to ride 30 years ago and when I got back into it with a R3R, all I had to do was "Google Veiw" all the pictures of messed up faces, heads, and helmets to decide. I thought the Modular design would be a good compromise and I wanted the best regardless what it cost. It didn't make sense to me to ride a bike worth 12,000 dollars and then go cheap on protection. I'm also an ATGATT convert with full Motoport suit.

Thought I would warn you that Shubert's are known for their ovaloid shape vs others. I have that shape so the helmet fits me perfectly but I wouldn't buy one again for a couple of reasons. It is hot and loud in my opinion! I actually took it apart and put that sound deadening Dynamat in the ear cups and drilled out the supposed vent channels in the styrofoam to try to get more cooling. Only helped a little? But being modular allows you to open it, like in stop and go city traffic and it's comfortable, or with just the visor up isn't bad. In retrospect I think I was seduced by their excellent advertising and wanted to believe I could have it all. Their fancy graphics and videos of the wind tunnel make you believe it will be cool and quite at the same time. Another annoyance is the quick release chin strap they boast. I can't stand it. It's a great idea, like on a ski boot, but the placement is such that it digs right under my left jaw bone and the strap isn't adjustable. I had to make a separate leather pad to cushion it.

All that being said, I am glad I bought it because I have learned to live with the heat and will never go back to open face. I will, however, try a different brand and more than likely forget about the modular idea.
My neighbor, who has a HUGE noggin, found these guys at a bike show. Bought a half helmet and the flip full face. He did say it was a little pricey, but he had searched for a long time to find a comfortable helmet, he said it was worth it. They sent him quite a few different packages of foam, so he could change it up and get the perfect fit for him, plus they did install his decals and clear coat for free, which was a plus for him.
S1602 Motorcycle Helmet Details | Description, Specs & Features
Thanks for the heads up and all the info , that's why I asked here, you can not always believe the adds, better to talk with first hand experience . Again thanks .
I was in the market for a new helmet 2 years ago at Sturgis. I tried helmets from every manufacturer I could find, no word a lie I tried probably 70 helmets. I didn't even look at price off the start, just fit and looks. HJC won out over all. I ended up with a 3XL and it still works great 2 years later. I went with a modular with the drop down sun visor. When I replace this one I will go with just a regular full face. I don't use the opening chin bar and even with it shut my beard gets caught in the seals.
Looks to me to perhaps set a tad forward for the bent over sport bike rider.
Definitely snazzy looking!

The new Bell Star helmet has three different helmet size/fit .... Bell Star, Bell Star Race, and Bell Star Pro. The Bell Star is the standard model which doesn't have the race fit option. The other two do. On the link I posted watch the video starting at 4:00 .... it explains it better than I can. Something of the nature that the Race and Pro have a 5° tilt more than the standard. The standard would be a better helmet for us I guess but I would like to have the carbon based helmet. I've been wearing the original Bell Star helmet for years so when they offered a updated helmet in the Star line and addressed the noise issues I am interested.