Second Gear Slipping

Well I broke the good news to my wife about needed to repair the rocket and the cost of the kit she was surprised.

Then she asked who going to do the putting of the stuff into the bike because you always have spare nuts and bolts left over!

Told her I have spoken to mechanic earlier today and he can do it.

But unfortunately he is going through a seperation from his wife at the moment and having to sell up and find somewhere else to work and live.

So could be a month or two before he can get to work on it.

Told him a good bloke should be able to get it done in 40 hours but seen he's very good and even reading the manual he shouldnt be far away from that time.

@Paul Bryant might have to take you up on the offer of the tool.

Maybe @sleeves might have room in his bag when he heads down this way?

Wife also said her trip to The USA a month or so back was cheaper than the repairs are going to cost. But that was only for two weeks.

The rocket is for the rest of my life.

And what price do we put on happyness.
seperation from his wife at the moment and having to sell up and find somewhere else to work and live
HA! That's why they call them "house wives" cause they always keep the house!
Ask me how I know? Left a house in Miami, left a house in Pompano Beach, left a house in Homestead. I should be a real estate manager!

...but just remind us how many Rockets you have .. coincidence?
Ahh yes, I've thought about that. While married 3 times, I was never able to have all the toys I now have. However, I seem to be going overboard, like a kid in a candy shop! Besides the 3 Rockets, I also have 2 Harley's and a Kawasaki. Been single since 1992!
Bring on the toys! No nagging or "honey do's" around here! Heck I've even washed motorcycle parts in my dishwasher! Works great! I know, I know........
my theory is that the forks get bent and then once it pops out it bends them more.
i do not know if u can change the forks w/o taking the cases apart but if u could and there is not a lot of metal i might try that.