
Lazy D

.020 Over
Mar 14, 2012
Salt Lake, or near abouts anyway
Anyone have a suggestion on seats? I am looking at the Corbin Solo for an 2008 R3 classic. I generally like to sit alittle back (towards the rear of the bike) on the current seat. Being 6'2", it helps the ole hips .....

Will the corbin work for me??? Suggestions........... I just want a good seat that also looks good - never did like the looks of pads and thingys strapped to a seat...

Lazy D
I have the Corbin Rumble seat heated and couldn't be happier. I needed to drop my position down a bit due to short legs and this did the trick. It also gave me a more sat back and cradled position.
Just get ready to deal with some pretty shotty customer service, Corbins seats are great but they take forever and are not interested in keeping you informed of what's going on.
Have you ever had a Corbin seat? They are quite hard, some like them some don't. I've had a few and prefer them to others I've tried. Your best bet is probably a custom made seat, one that takes into account your size and preferred riding position.

The best seat on the market is probably the Russell Day Long. They are made to order and are by all accounts the best high mileage seat available. But since you're concerned about looks, its probably not for you. It resembles an overstuffed tractor seat. However, while you're sitting on it, you can't see it. And besides, its not like the Rocket is an attractive bike to start with. Really hard to make it look worse with a seat.

Whoa...Whoa... First, thanks for the tip, I'll give them a look see - there is a local guy here in Salt Lake that i will be talking to this weekend. Might just go that way. I just dont want to lay down the better part of 500 to get something that I am not too happy with.

Now, on to your statement about the Rocket not being attractive. Well, (get ready for a lashing....) the biggest bike I have had prior to the Rocket was a KLR 650 - made the decision to get a cruiser and started looking around. Decided that I did not want one of the Japanese big 4, just have always thought of dirt bikes when i think of Honda, Kawi, etc... On to HD, well, they are pretty bikes to be sure, but they are everywhere.... Looked at a few BMWs, but they were just not comfy, just did do it for me. Looked at Indians next. Nice to look at, but from what I hear, they are mostly seen up on a lift getting something fixed.
Then I saw the Rocket, my first response was - Geez-uss- what the Frick is that. (toned down what I actually said as not to offend the readers...hahahah) The Rocket is by far the best looking bike out there. I'll say it again, THE BEST LOOKING BIKE ON THE ROAD..... Then you start looking at Triumph, great history.... Sure it is not American made (I try to by American when I can, sans dirt bikes of course...) But hey,,, Steve McQueen was a Triumph rider. We are talking Steve Fricking McQueen... BULLET... Second only to John Wayne in American Bad Assidness... So, I was sold.
On a side note, my riding buddy is on a Road King, definetly a good looking bike. It is a running joke between us as everyone and I mean everyone takes a second look at the R3. It is to the point where it is just funny now. The bike turns more heads than I could have possibly imagined. Given that the bike is half the cost too.!

Well, that is about all I can say on that topic...... Think I proved my point..

Thanks for the advice and I will give the "Tractor Seat" a look see.

Ride Safe!
Last two times I gassed up the Rocket I received the following 2 compliments on the looks:

1) Best looking bike I've seen this year!
2) Best looking Triumph I've ever seen!

Get similar compliments almost every time I ride!
Last two times I gassed up the Rocket I received the following 2 compliments on the looks:

1) Best looking bike I've seen this year!
2) Best looking Triumph I've ever seen!

Get similar compliments almost every time I ride!

I get similar comments almost daily, but it is usually preceded by some expletive such as "holy crap, look at the size of this thing".

I had a bit of time on my hands lately so am getting new comments about how clean it is...? "how long does it take you to clean it?" ... and for the record I only polish it once a year and it has gone 6 months without a wash and covers 0ver 20,000 kms a year!
As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And yes, I've had people compliment the looks of my R3T. To be honest, it gives me a chuckle.

When it comes to good looking motorcycles, I'd have to rate most Ducatis near the top of the list (the Diavel not so much), any MV Agusta, some of the older MG's and most Bimotas. Harleys look good in a retro sort of way but they always remind me of a restored 50's motorcycle. I've owned several BMWs and find them excellent bikes, in a function over form sort of way.

I ride a cruiser now mostly because advancing age has forced me into some compromises. I am unable to do high mileage days on more sporting rides. I chose the Rocket because of the power and torque available, the Touring model specifically because I don't care for the twin headlight look and I wanted the integrated hard bags.

As to the seat, I'm 6'2" and have the Corbin solo saddle on my R3T. I find it quite comfortable but seats are a very subjective matter. Shop carefully, the **** things are quite expensive.