Seat Upgrade - Opinions/Options


Jun 15, 2016
Southern MD
86' Magna, 2017 R3R
I think it's about time to upgrade my seat. I've got a roadster w/ the pillion seat on and the backrest/luggage rack and hard bags. I rarely have a passenger, but on the off chance I can get the wife to ride, I leave it on.

Seats obviously are not cheap, so I'm trying to get as many opinions and do some research prior to buying anything.

I ride about 250 miles to/from work each week and do some longer rides on the weekends. I also on occasion do some longer ride between 500-100 miles in a day so I would like something that will be comfortable on those long days, but be good for daily riding as well. Two piece seats would be nice as I can leave the stock pillion on and just replace mine and then possible get a matching rear if I ever get her to ride....or not. Not against dual seat though either.

Thought about Triumph long haul seats (if you can ever find a used one for sale). gel seats, beads, even Corbin. Not really interested in Russell day longs at this point. Even thought about trying to find a decent used stock seat to take apart and play around with different density foam(s).

So what are you using/have you used?
Pros and Cons.
All options and opinions welcome.

Talk to me and help me decide/give me some info to noodle over......
I am searching for a shop that will rework the stock seat and pillion on the X. One shop say's they can lower the seat height with their foam and it would be more comfortable than the stock. Big difference in quotes from various shops. Still looking around.
I have both a Triumph long haul seat for roadster and a Corbin dual seat. The long haul seat was fine for everyday riding but wife could only last about an hour on it between stops. The Corbin seat is harder but way more comfortable and both of us can ride all day long with no butt ache. We have done 250-350 mile rides with no issues, the only problem now is wife legs get tired after long ride. I need to change pegs out for floor boards to allow her to stretch legs. If you can afford the Corbin then I recommend that route, I was real lucky and found a used almost new one in Virginia at less than half price.
The seat I ride mostly with is a Triumph long haul seat. I believe it's off of 2008 or 2009. Very comfortable like it much better than my roadster seat
i had pain until i got a corbin. now 1000 miles no problem


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Might work on the X but way to wide for the next bike. Lines would not flow right. Thinner smaller and sleek. Comfort not required.
Looking at having the Roadster X redone with a different foam base and a much better quality of vinyl. The new bike will have a solo steel based seat done in Snake skin. Bike will not be rode in the rain. Our most prestige's snake in Oklahoma is the Copperhead.