Seat release probs

Getting seat off again

Yeah, I think I'm going to attempt that again tomorrow, may have to watch my language as it is Sunday and all.
It will be my second time to get the seat off, I need to get the Owner's Manual and temp registration out anyway and put the manual in the beetle bags.
Didn't even know there was a difference in the seats...

Well, now I do?

Correct me if I'm wrong (was there ever a more loaded statement?): The Classic versions are all one piece, like mine, and come off as such. The standard models use a separate passenger seat, right? Thus, the need for two catches on the Classic and Tourers.
Does the Classic seat have the "peg" that inserts into the latch mechanism like the stock seats do? If so, there are two things you can do to help it unlatch easier. That peg will unscrew out of the base of the seat. Remove it, and put a washer underneath it when you reinstall it. That will lower it just a touch and allow the latch to operate a little more freely.

You can also put a little clean wheel bearing grease on both the peg and the latch mechanism. Its dry as a bone from the factory and very sticky...

Flip... I used the words "bone" and "sticky" in the same sentence, that should be worth about 3 replies

Don't bother Flip right now , he's changing pantys..U know,different color each day of the week..Jack
Panties, schmanties......

If you meant each work day then we're talking the same panties since...when was retirement Flip?


It was April 3rd., I took a week off and went back to work, sort of. I was asked before I retired to become an instructor at Owens State Community College south of Toledo, Ohio. I accepted the invitation. Actually, it was the offer that was one of the deciding factors in my leaving my job, that and my constant worry about my pension. At present, I've met all the State and Federal requirements for teaching with the exception of my FBI criminal background check (I'm waiting for that to come back, probably this week) and I have to go up to Detroit and obtain my State of Michigan certified drivers' history abstract.

Right now, I'm considered by the College as certified in classroom instruction but I'm not certified for skid pad work or driving instruction on road....In tractor trailers.

It's a nice retirement job, pays pretty well, has a tremendous retirement, not that I'm not already retired, there is no age limit on this, So long as I can pass a DOT physical and I'm of reasonably sound mind (that's debatable ), I'm good to go.

So, I'm still working but I work 5 weeks and have 2 off plus whenever I want to play hooky, it's cool. The other 3 instructors are all retired too.

Take a gander at my 'location' below my join'll like it.

Jack obviously has a fixation with panties. Maybe I should grab a used pair from Flea Bay and send them off to him so he can wear them on his head like a headdress.....come on...:bch:
Getting back to the topic...

First, nice rundown on your retirement Flip, it' is especially good that it appears it is something you enjoy doing and that counts for a lot.

As for my attempt to get my seat off for only the second time since I've had it...finally success, but not in the usual way.

It looks like I will be carring in my beetle bags a small pair of needlenose pliers. After becoming exasperated by the "usual" method, I went and found a set of said pliers, lifted up the seat a little with my left hand and placed the needlenose pliers onto the pull ring and gave it a tug (with the key already turned) and it came right off.

So for those who may want a little easier way to do this, this might work for you, especially if you have the beetle bags. Just be cafeful to tug firmly and avoid contact with the 'ol paint job.