Removing the &*(^&%^!@ seat

Ok so I hope this will help you as I remember the first time I tried to take mine off and I knew where the key was. it is in the lower right side cover.


So my problem was I could not turn the key. But the answer is you push down on the seat and then turn the key. it takes pressure off the locking mechanism.


Now there are a couple different seat styles the dual touring style that started on the Classic models.


with or without backrest does not matter.
Here is a shot of the bottom and latching devices.

Dual Seat latches.jpg

Here is the dual/single which mostly came on the Standards like yours


It has only one latch controlled by the key the pillon is bolted to the rear frame. You can go single or two up with this seat.

Single seat latch.jpg

Now pushing the seat down when turning the key not only takes pressure off the latch (below closed and locked)


Below open with key turned


The key is pushing down takes the pressure off and stops the oh ***wit I just broke my key!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope this helps any other questions ask away.
LUBE the parts Warp is pointing out And the lock itself it will then work as smooth as butter
JMTC.. if i leave my bike off the charger for a few weeks it always falls down below twelve volts. For some reason there is a phantom draw going on somewhere in my bike. When i first got my Rocket i went through the winter without charging the battery and it drained so low that it never recovered. As long as i keep the trickle charger on it ,it's fine. As far as my seat goes Warp hit the nail on the head about pushing down on the seat. I found a great lubricant called Tri-Flow that keeps the seat moving parts well lubricated. Forget WD-40 this works much better.
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All good info regarding the seat, I would also add that the Rocket needs a good battery, keep it on a tender when the bikes not in use :thumbsup:

Hey Guys....

Great info....TriTick....You are probably not doing this bonehead mistake I sometimes do but once in a while I will use the engine kill switch then turn the ignition off...BAM...dead battery. They mention this 3 times in the R3 manual but its a habit I have to break. Ignition switch only.

Warp...Thanks for the info.....Both my springs were gooked up with hardened white lithium grease and would not compress. I cleaned them up and temporarily used some silkroil until I can get some PTFE based Gun Lube on them that wont run nor harden up....

You guys are a lifesaver on this Forum and I appreciate it!

I run a Schumacher Tender on my R3(an all others) and it just makes the world of diff.

RayJay...I was surprised the non oem wally world battery I got sold the bike with actually Cranked those Viper sized Pistons! Back you yuasa or an LiFe batt but those are dicey as if you discharge them fully once....GAME OVER.

Have a great day guys and ride safe!
I use ODYSSEY batteries in both of my V8 bikes. They are the smallest and most powerful batteries made. If they have the size for my ROCKET I'll get one when the stock one bites the dust.
I use ODYSSEY batteries in both of my V8 bikes. They are the smallest and most powerful batteries made. If they have the size for my ROCKET I'll get one when the stock one bites the dust.
Hi used a ODYSSEY PC625 on mine ,did not drop straight in tho ,had to shave of the thin plastic ribs slightly and it fitted fine (only found out this mod tho being on this forum )bit of work with a dremel where the negative cable connected ,not long after i upgraded the negative cable to the heavier gauge( another tip i found out on the forum! )and used different type fitting so the dremel mod would not have been required.
Spins the motor (with added drag of the supercharger ) over really well in sub zero temps we have in UK at present ,


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Hi used a ODYSSEY PC625 on mine ,did not drop straight in tho ,had to shave of the thin plastic ribs slightly and it fitted fine (only found out this mod tho being on this forum )bit of work with a dremel where the negative cable connected ,not long after i upgraded the negative cable to the heavier gauge( another tip i found out on the forum! )and used different type fitting so the dremel mod would not have been required.
Spins the motor (with added drag of the supercharger ) over really well in sub zero temps we have in UK at present ,

That battery will even start a 350 Chevrolet motor, it should be a piece of cake for it to start a ROCKET.