Seat release probs


.060 Over
May 25, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
I know I may seem like the world's biggest dumbass for asking this... but I cannot get the seat off my R3 for anything! I turn the key while simultaneously pressing down on the seat, as the manual says I should, hear and feel it click... then nothing. I can't get it to lift or slide. Seems like the front half is good to go, but the pillon won't budge.

It'll need to go in for its break-in oil change and a couple of other minor issues (rattles I don't think should be there), and the panniers come with the Tourer, so it's really not a big deal... unless I goof and leave the lights on and kill the battery. But, if I can fix it now, I'd rather do so. Any thoughts?
Hey Alister, only the rider seat removes with a turn of the key. Press down on the rider seat, right where your butt crack is when in the saddle, while turning the key. When you hear a click, the rider seat is ready to lift off. Raise the "rear" of the rider seat and lift off after is has come up about 6 to 8 inches. There is a "tongue" which slips under a bracket at the rear of the fuel tank which holds the front of the seat down. The pillion seat is bolted in place. 3 10mm screws hold it on, and they are accessable after the rider seat is removed.

Now, go see if that works. See ya.
Without a doubt you are in the right place for suggestions. Yes, there is a trick or to how to get that **** key turned and release ring pulled, to get the seat off. Wait till you go to put it back on. BusaJack has the right idea: Velcro:bch: I think it was Molinoman who last went through training camp here I leave it to his experience The Classic seat has the pull ring on the left side. You didn't mention what kind of seat.
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Ah. The manual failed to mention the pull-ring on the Classic seat.

And being that this is a Classic Tourer... you know what a pain it is to get at the pull-ring with panniers?

Anyhow, I got it finally. Feel a bit better too, as I won't look like a complete moron when trying to get at the toolkit and whatnot. Thanks for the help!
Put a zipper on it....

I have the same scenario going on with my Classic and bags. I just took a Catamount zip tie and attached it to the pull ring. That way, the tail of the tie is really accessible. Black is best, you can't see it. A little grease on the lock mechanism goes a long way too.
Once again, "Open mouth, insert foot". I give up. Just when you think you can assist another captain, the information you give out is useless.

Now I know it's time to sit back & learn, not act like I know something. I'll just absorb & be content.

See ya, NOT!

Well now Rusty...he didn't say Classic seat to start with. Don't be so easy on yourself