searching for source of pictures


Standard Bore
Nov 13, 2018
South of Germany
Hello there,

I stumbled over this nice drawings and wondering if someone knows the source or artist of that.
My idea is to get this pictures in large format (fine resolution) to iron it to a shirt.

best regards

rocket 7_o.jpg rocket h-8.jpg


  • rocket 7_o.jpg
    rocket 7_o.jpg
    37.9 KB · Views: 18
  • rocket h-8.jpg
    rocket h-8.jpg
    28.8 KB · Views: 16
Yes, it says (c)9242
Anyone has an idea of the source of this drawings?
IMHO this is the same artist

Or probably someone of you already have this picture in highres stored on your private image-gallery at home and can share it?
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You can get someone with a photo studio to put put the photo on an iron on patch. A local friend artist/photographer friend of mine took a pic of my Rocket, printed it on an iron on patch and it is now on the back of one of my casual shirts.

One would definitely need a photo with a higher resolution that 28kbs though. I've downloaded the photo, will print it and take it to my friend next week to see what he can do with it.
Yes, I had checked pinterest. There are tons of pictures with motorcycles.
But I cant find those drawings of which I just have the thumbnails, not the highresolution version of it.:(
I remember seeing that and a black version many many years ago but it is no longer on the Internet
according to Bing and Google image and other searches.

I tried again today to locate it to no avail.

The only thing that surfaced was that the red one was used by a French R3 owner named
Sbeud in his profile.

It is modified with his name and animation so maybe he still has the original.

He hasn't used that site in years but is active on Index - Triumph Rocket 3 - Une moto d'exception

Good luck.