Living Legend
I have the latest and greatest on shop manuals along with much research the latest and greatest updates to the first. None of which say sample on them? Yes the valve check is required at 10,000 miles. Did it need adjustment ? No. The bike ran fine no noise at all but a tight exhaust valve make no noise. Yes on rear removal of the wheel it says real clear to lube the splines. What type of lube no it just says proper lube. We used loctite 8020. I do my own work on the last five bikes we have owned. WHY? Well 120,000 miles on a 2005 Bonneville, 85,000 miles on a Harley fatboy (still running strong) kind of says it all. Do we ride a bit yes about 25,000 to 27,000 mile a year. Do we like to be stuck on the side of the rode because a throttle cable was not lubed ? No. Do we like to ride Knowing everything is up to pair? Yes. After spending the money on just a fancy paint job and a few blacked out components the Rocket X gets nothing but the best. New seals on the rocket valve cover, new bolt on the back brake caliber hell yes. Do we go overboard on maintenance ? YES. Nothing better then slowing down and stopping to help someone who really is clueless on maintaining a bike.