SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE CHECK SHEET - 10K mile Valve clearances - check/adjust

Does the RIII need a 10K(mile) or 20K(mile) Valve clearances - check/adjust

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I have the latest and greatest on shop manuals along with much research the latest and greatest updates to the first. None of which say sample on them? Yes the valve check is required at 10,000 miles. Did it need adjustment ? No. The bike ran fine no noise at all but a tight exhaust valve make no noise. Yes on rear removal of the wheel it says real clear to lube the splines. What type of lube no it just says proper lube. We used loctite 8020. I do my own work on the last five bikes we have owned. WHY? Well 120,000 miles on a 2005 Bonneville, 85,000 miles on a Harley fatboy (still running strong) kind of says it all. Do we ride a bit yes about 25,000 to 27,000 mile a year. Do we like to be stuck on the side of the rode because a throttle cable was not lubed ? No. Do we like to ride Knowing everything is up to pair? Yes. After spending the money on just a fancy paint job and a few blacked out components the Rocket X gets nothing but the best. New seals on the rocket valve cover, new bolt on the back brake caliber hell yes. Do we go overboard on maintenance ? YES. Nothing better then slowing down and stopping to help someone who really is clueless on maintaining a bike.
Well, I checked with my dealer yesterday to see what they had to say about the valve check. The service guy took some time to look through his bulletins from triumph as well as check the manuals. He couldn't find any evidence that the first check had been changed to 20k miles. I have one more dealer to call next week and I'll see what they have to say as well. I'll post what I hear on the subject. At the present it looks like 10k is the number.
The way I see it is that it would be a good idea to have it checked at 10 thousand miles even if it seems like those who post here report that their bike needed nothing.
I found this checklist which has the Rocket valve check at 20k.Dated September 2013

That check sheet you posted, which includes multiple Triumph models on it, is not specific to the Rocket. The 2014 owners manual and the Triumph Rocket specific workshop manual both state a valve check at 10,000 miles. Nothing changed. It is 10K.

I see this kind of stuff on many sites because I have owned many, many bikes. I get why people don't want to do the checks. It is a pain and\or expensive. Some bikes need no adjustments for many thousands of miles. Some need them right away. I like to check mine to get a base line of where they are at. For me, it isn't worth a burned valve not to check it. A few hours and I know where the valves stand on clearance. Everyone has their own comfort level with this stuff.
I was told by my dealer that the first valve check was 10000 kilometres. A $ 700 plus service. They said it was unusual but mine needed a few exhaust valves adjusted.
OK to add to the confusion look at the 2014 workshop manual and show us the clutch assembly. I have not seen the manual updated yet that has the new clutch components that were changed in 06 when the black motors came out. If it has not changed then I would agree with your statement Nothing changed they probably just added some Roadster stuff like ABS and new stuff to do with the gauges.
I just talked to the guys 3 weeks ago at Triumph GB in Hinckley England where the rocket 3s are made and this is from the horse's mouth. Valve check at 20k miles not 10K miles, and then at 20k increments after that. Oh and the oil change is every 10k miles. The dude said you can change it before if you want but won't make any difference and you're just wasting your money. He said if it was due to be changed every 3 or 5 or 7 thousand miles it would be stated that way.
Can't argue with that these guys build them.
As an afterthought I ask the the guy how long the full 20k service should take with the Valve check and went down the service checklist with him, he told me that that service should take between 4 to 4 1/2 hours to complete, I was charged 7 1/2 hours labour by the dealer where I bought the bike. Rocket Motorcycles told me 10 hours labour and with parts the cost would be between $1200 to $1300.
Since then I spoke to another Triumph dealer in the local area who told me they charge 6 hours labour for that service plus about $250 for parts, considering the dealers around here charge anywhere from $85-$100 an hour for labour it pays to phone around but preferably before you get the service done...
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"Can't argue with that these guys build them."

You are right. There is no argument. The valve check is scheduled at 10,000 miles per any Rocket manual you want to read, and it is stated that way, just like the oil change interval. It never changed and probably won't. Who you talked to and what they said is irrelevant, unless you have a service bulletin from Triumph stating otherwise. How and when you want to check yours is totally up to you though. But the fact is that the factory service for the valve check is 10.000 miles. No argument.
@daytonageo stop in and see what Huel says he's se4vice mgr. at Triumph of Daytona.Triumph could just be to cheap reprint that page just like they won't admit to problems for example the ignition switch.