
That' what they do - take the main pic ( note there is only 1) and fabricate a fraudulent advert. Total looses.. .....

Are there really people out there that fall for these adverts? The prices are so unrealistic that anyone who falls for a scam of this nature must be a little deluded.
It is the young and naïve that get conned by this sort of advert. Finally got the job that pays a bit more, summers coming, the dream of speed and the open road...Ba'stards get a bite or two every time!
It is the young and naïve that get conned by this sort of advert.
And the old and dementia ridden. Not to mention members of the grand Wanabe tribe.

Nearly everybody has a blind spot - it's why marketing exists. Only the man who wants nothing cannot be sold anything. imo - The more somebody thinks they know what they really want - the easier it is to convince them otherwise.

As long as there are greedy victims there will be predators waiting to pounce...bit like them wildebeest going into the croc infested water for one last drink..i used to report all the time and in the end i could,nt keep up
So Tuesday the 17th was individual income tax day in the US, and the next day, I received no fewer than six phone calls, switched from the Philippines or somewhere, saying,
"We have received a notification regarding your tax filings from the headquarters which will get expired [sic] in next 24 working hours. And once it get expired, after that you will be taken under custody by the local cops as there are four serious allegations pressed on your name at this moment. We would request you to get back to us so that we can discuss about this case before taking any legal action against you. The number to reach us is 504.358.2361. I repeat 504.358.2361. Thank you."

Their scam was sophisticated enough, and they were brazen enough that the caller ID matched the number they left. I called one back just for fun since they obviously had my number already, and they kept asking for me to confirm and I kept saying "You already have that". I asked for a badge number (they were ready for that -- though it was bogus) and their supervisor. That ended it. That day.
Had you been half asleep or less wise you would more than likely be crying right now right into your bank balance slip