Saw my first one. PG


Mar 26, 2010
Northern Maine
Yesterday, on Mount Desert Island, at the summit of Cadillac Mountain, I saw my first, other than mine, Rocket 3 outside of a showroom! Yup, you can drive up there!
Met a very nice couple from Maine on their brandy new 2009 leftover Touring, loaded with bling. I bet he got some scorcher deal, as he said the dealership wanted it gone! I plugged the site, and hope we'll be getting a new member from Maine soon.

Sadly, I was in a cage SUV with others whilst my Rock was parked covered with dirt road dust back at the lake
I saw one in my home town for the first time, about two weeks ago, it was a two tone blue touring pulling out of the Outback restaurant parking lot I honked and waved but they didnt notice me so I didnt get a chance to talk with them
Maine: 35,385 sq miles and 1.3 million people. That's 36.7 people/ mile sq.

Florida: 65,755 sq miles 18,801,310 people is 285 people/ mile sq = more opportunity to see Rockets.
I just got back from a wk. trip up there, Cad. Mt. is the first place to see the sun rise,it's a nice ride to the top. Eastport has the Old Sow and some High and low tides that are about 25 to 30 ft. Rode Rt.1 to Fort Kent then took Rt.11 south, only thing,had to watch out for logging trucks coming up,didn't want to be a speed bump. Great riding thru Maine,went for miles and saw no one on the road.
+1 on the sunrises there... Cadillac Mountain - Acadia National Park Maine

Viewing the Porcupine Islands peeping out from the fog-shrouded bay below is one of my more distinct visual memories.

Sure would like to be anywhere along the Maine coast right about now given the brutal heatwave we're in the midst of! Air temp is 95, but it feels like 105.

My favorite slice of "Down East" is on the Pemaquid Peninsula... the perfect encapsulation of the best of coastal Maine: Pemaquid Peninsula photos - Google Search
FTL40, if you came down 11 any distance, you likely passed within a few miles from the homestead.
Yesterday the summit was shrouded in haze and 40 mph winds, but it was a welcome relief to the humidity at sea level. We have that too Phil, though not the temps of further south.
I've figured a ten hour jaunt to CT without a meter on the interstate. Whoo Hoo!
Traveled down Rt.11 till I hit Rt.2 stayed in Skowhegan. Then off to N.H. on Rt. 2. Had Rt.11 most to myself,except a few logging trucks, wouldn't want to drive a Prius in Maine, you would be just a speed bump.