Santa sure was good to me !

Sorry thread kinda got sidetracked.

Very nice collection you have there. Love the PRS. So you like that Gibson feel and sound I take it. That is a Merry Christmas.

I believe he has a fairly good idea of value. He's been a member of the Old Time Fiddlers here since the mid 50s and has had some fine instruments. His wife passed away a few years ago and was quite the fiddler from what I heard. He had some beautiful antique firearms, to include a Sharps buffalo gun from the 1800s and took it all to a museum in Idaho a couple of years ago. Whenever I have breakfast with Chuck he smiles and asks me if I've thought of a good home for his Les Paul yet.

I never want to be one of those guys who tries to get something from an elderly gent. As I said, I'll be seeing him this week, will confirm the vintage and ask him what he might be thinking.
The traditional looking Les Paul was first marketed in 1952 - 1960.
The SG style was from 1961 - 1963 as a Les Paul.
The production of the traditional styled Les Paul did not resume untill 1968 -to the present.
If it is a 63 SG style you can have a keeper.
Don't deny an old man of one of his final wishes.
With proper humility accept his offer and treat it like your bike and guns.
Which is often better than we treat our wives and girlfriends.
I vaguely recall seeing the instrument at my friend's home years ago but can't recall what the shape was, color etc. I looked up SG model and the below web site has some good examples. Prices are all over the map as usual with instruments of the same make/vintage. These run from $5000-$19,000. Yikes.

Gibson Les Paul (SG) Cherry 1961
I have the fever too. 2005 6120 Brian Setzer sslv and a 70 Fender Twin Reverb. Also play a Fender USA Jazz 5 Deluxe thru a MarkBass and my beat up old doghouse!
I have come to love my Marshall DSL 40C. It will drive 2 cabs and it doesn't care what guitar I plug into it, Les Paul, Fender, LTD, Ibeneze, Ovation, or BC Rich. I may have left out a few but if you bond with a guitar a and amp setup and can make people happy you have it made.
I have 100 W Marshall head and a Randall cabinet ,But I went out and bought this line 6 it’s 120 W amp and for what it is it cranks.

A little off topic. Sorry you never learned to play the guitar. My country music interests took me down a different road in my late teens. It served me well, I always had bands that wanted me and I made a lot of money with it down through the years. At one point I was making more playing 5 nights a week than I was teaching. I could have even done it for a living. I don't play very often anymore...mainly by choice. I played a whopping 5 times last summer. Many people don't even know what this instrument is. Playing an instrument has provided me with a lot of personal enjoyment.

That's awesome ! I don't know what that is called , but I know it's some Kind of slide guitar and much harder to play !
I love the sound of them .