Sand in engine, help!

Not going to ask what you did to have someone do that to your bike .... I'd look into an engine flush and then sell it . Only being honest.

Hey TC the only problem with that is he new buyer will be on this site asking what he should do with his rooted engine.

I think YES flush it out and send it to an auction yard as a running bike that looks good.
Chances are a dealer would end up buying it, when the dealer resells the bike it will probably fail while covered under the used dealer warranty (statutory warranty)
Hate to hear about the sand in the oil tank.
I mentioned that a couple of years back when our Rockets Across America
was happening at the same time as a big harley rally across the street.
Knowing how harley guys think an all.
Someone, I think Stripes, suggested drilling through the neck
and putting a set screw in to eliminate the possibility.
Never did, and nothing happened, but after hearing your story,
I think I will now...

I know it's a prick of a thing to do but hopefully the new buyer would have insurance. Get it repaired by insurance company or maybe they could follow Mitch's solution.... like i said i was only being honest, what i'd have to do if i found myself in the same situation.

I know if my engine failed i would remove my headers power comander bars and put all the stock **** back on and she would go missing
Id send it to Neville Lush in SA for a perfect job or send it to Charlie from Turn 1 in Kensington Vic. He does a decent job at much less than Triumph and is good at working on stock bikes.
Guess it's all been said. I'd probably look for a second hand motor or a wreck with a good engine; swap motors and then re-sell the wreck with you engine being open about what happened. Been noted on here before that there's not a huge difference in what a wreck goes for regardless of condition so you might find the 'fix' doesn't cost all that much once its all done.
I would be looking for another mottor... drop it in .... Strip yours down replace the bearings and other damaged parts give it to someone like Nevile Lush and let him go to town on it. mind you, you could always do the major work in the bottom end yourself and just let lushie play with the head, that way you can say You did some of it yourself. Then just drop it back in and sell the other motor
Insurance fraud is still fraud and a felony. They usually tend to at least take a cursory look and most people are not criminal masterminds... I think most places in the US you'd get to enjoy up to five years of vacation on the government's dime if caught and tens of thousands in fines, worst case scenario.

Sorry to hear you didn't have insurance on the bike when this happened. If the guy is convicted you can claim damages from him, but assuming it's some no-life no-hope loser without cash.

I don't get people who go uninsured though. Especially in the US, if you're not insured when you hit some guy and it's your fault, you could be on the hook for paying for his care for life, and if you're not rich your negligence could even impact the quality of care he gets.

And forking over for full coverage for the bike would have gotten you a new bike or at least cash to buy another used but running one. Glad I have full coverage.

Sorry to hear about the bike though, people who destroy other people's property are scum.