Same idle ragrdless of temps


Standard Bore
Jun 23, 2014
noticed that on my 14 roadster, idle is always same, a bit uneven, but pretty much same regardless whether its a cold start, hot start.
usually all motorized vehicles are made to rev higher when cold started decreasing RPMs as it warms up whether its automated with FI or using choke. is this one of those unique rocket 3 features or something is off?
well, the needle moves what looks like about 825-875 or so. idle isn't on the smooth side. Its not rough but its not very smooth.
i wonder how many did tb sync with their rockets and what results were in terms of being within the spec.
what's a good tune name to fix some of the idle and stalling issues for the stock set up? I am going to go over the wiring tonight to make sure nothing is pinched and check tbs and fuel delivery related stuff.
it doesn't get REALLY cold here, but first start of the day or after it's warmed, I don't notice any significant difference on startup. I have ECU tune and could check, but it indicates about 950 plus or minus a few no matter the condition.

Idle related:
Occasionally it freaks out and loses idle after coming hot from freeway to the stop sign or city streets. It's a common problem reported here. My solution is kill the motor and wait 3 seconds and restart. Chuga idle is fixed for my 2005 rocket 3
I ordered a cable for tuneecu. the oem tunes list on their site does not really describe what these tunes are aimed to actually accomplish.
I did experirnce idle getting kind of jumpy coming off the highway, or just riding fast and then having to stop quickly. I was hoping that a tune would rectify that, unless it's an issue with out of sync TBs or something non ecu related.

QUOTE=pjsmithres;504037]it doesn't get REALLY cold here, but first start of the day or after it's warmed, I don't notice any significant difference on startup. I have ECU tune and could check, but it indicates about 950 plus or minus a few no matter the condition.

Idle related:
Occasionally it freaks out and loses idle after coming hot from freeway to the stop sign or city streets. It's a common problem reported here. My solution is kill the motor and wait 3 seconds and restart. Chuga idle is fixed for my 2005 rocket 3[/QUOTE]