I would be very interested in those, if you want to sell them please let me know
My set is missing one bullet clamp I believe it is the right side, although either side will work, but the screw heads would be exposed if you used the wrong side. There are also some small scratches on the bottom side of the rails, not really visible at all when installed. See pictures. I have them packaged up and are ready for shipping. How much would you offer + shipping for what I have?
My set is missing one bullet clamp I believe it is the right side, although either side will work, but the screw heads would be exposed if you used the wrong side. There are also some small scratches on the bottom side of the rails, not really visible at all when installed. See pictures. I have them packaged up and are ready for shipping. How much would you offer + shipping for what I have?
I'm interested in the fender rails starmanut has, luckily mine came with the saddlebag rails, thanks
I'm interested in the fender rails starmanut has, luckily mine came with the saddlebag rails, thanks

the fender rails look pretty darn good (in my opinion)!
some folks may not like them as they require holes to be drilled into the fender

Do you happen to have the fender tip assembly as well? The rail may be a tough sell without that.
My set is the Front Fender Rail Kit. It is unopened, but the box looks like it has been sitting a long time and has a tear it it from what looks like something sitting on top of it for awhile. I was going to list it on ebay for like $500, way high, but just to see what would happen. Some sold for upwards of $400 a few years ago.
I'll open the box and make sure all the parts are in there because of that gash in it, though.