sad news


This can't be friggin' true! I really like this guy. **** near more than most. ****, miserable lot if true. Why do all the truly good guys end up dead before their time? And the a-holes live forever??????? ****....I'm at a loss and angry as hell to boot. THIS SHOULD NOT BE!

HF was responsible for getting me back on this forum, for good or ill, with his PMs. If not for him I'd not have come back. ****e, this is extremely bad news. A harpy wife close to ditching him, loss of income/job and concomitant self respect, no prospects, loss of his beloved bike...and the general humiliation of feeling adrift and in terminal freefall. His loss is great. His was a voice of reason and expertise. **** it I regret posting about my son-in law's brother who fell to his grisly death a few years back. Perhaps this resonated. I feel like I've been kicked in the gut by a mule.

Be well my cyber-friend...wherever you might be, wish I could have bought you a beer and let you park your RV on my New Mexico land.
just got home and stb told me what had happen i couldnt believe that
thought he was getting it back togeather dont know what to say r i p
Do you think you'd be able to put down a few words about the man most of us never met?

..well, other than small talk and idle chit chat the two times I saw him at Hooters, I never had any other conversations with him..sent him a PM and tried to get together with him for a lunch ride a little while back, but it just didn't pan out I guess..then he sent me a PM and asked if I wanted to go out for a beer one night..I passed because I was doing something else..I wish I would have reached out to him now..desperation got the best of him I guess..when I met him, he seemed like a down to earth, ordinary guy..a straight shooter..just the type of guy you would expect to ride a Rocket..judging from the little bit I knew him, and his posts on here, he would have been the last person I would have expected to take his own life..but then again, you never know what's going through a persons mind..I know he thought of this forum's members as his family..he will be missed..
This is terrible news.

Can anyone share where services will be held, or maybe a link to an obituary?
This is not right, we all know he had hard stuff to get through but we missed the signs that he needed help. I could tell he had a big hart by his posts and felt he was a brother. It is a shame that some people mistake kindness for weakness and take advantage of it. REST IN PEACE KELLY you will be sadly missed.
wow ! Im in say the very least! It seemed like he was doing better an excited about traveling an hanging out with other captains, i just really cant believe it was suicide! I know he had some bad days, but after he got the motor home he was excited about traveling with his cat gizmo! When anyone finds out about services can ya please post for the rest of in peace, our dear friend kelly! (hellfire)
I managed to find "Delaware Online", but nothing in it.

Anyone care to PM me the local address and contact information? Surely someone can provide information on the planned arrangements.