Well after spending a couple hours looking for a Moto rental place in Sacramento that doesn't charge $150.00/day for 5 year old motorcycles, or $325/day for a Spyder, I have decided on Salt Lake City!
Well after spending a couple hours looking for a Moto rental place in Sacramento that doesn't charge $150.00/day for 5 year old motorcycles, or $325/day for a Spyder, I have decided on Salt Lake City!
Sacramento is a lot like Tulsa. Both city's think very highly of themselves. Why i have no clue but does translate into being expensive. Liked the Sac area when I was stationed there due to nice riding areas and good fishing.
Sacramento is a lot like Tulsa. Both city's think very highly of themselves. Why i have no clue but does translate into being expensive. Liked the Sac area when I was stationed there due to nice riding areas and good fishing.
I will ride Northern Cali sometime in my life, I'm still relatively young and travel a lot for my work. Next time I will make my plans to be in the Bay Area over the weekend and rent/ride from there instead
I don't mind spending $150/ day for a 1-2 year old Harley or BMW... but no way for a 5 year old Suzuki C90
Well after spending a couple hours looking for a Moto rental place in Sacramento that doesn't charge $150.00/day for 5 year old motorcycles, or $325/day for a Spyder, I have decided on Salt Lake City!
I grew up in Southern California . Learned to ride there. Rode the Highways and the back-roads. Still believe to this day thanks to California highways and riding them daily gained the skills to stay alive anywhere.