Rust spots in petrol tank

I thought I’d just see how low the petrol was in the tank, as the reading was showing zero miles.
I shone a torch in the aperture, and there are about half a dozen small spots in the bottom of the tank.
There is rust around the part that looks like a sender unit?
Bike is 2016 and still has 5 months warranty.
Anyone else have this or have checked for rust?

I can’t take a pic as the aperture is too small to accommodate the torch and a camera.

I just took a good look and my 2014 is immaculate in the inside of the tank. I wonder if The ethanol in the gas helps fight corrosion??
My guess is that the ethanol causes corrosion. It attracts moisture. I run only non-ethanol in my bikes, mowers, chain saws, etc. etc. Hard to find in most places. Where I get it, (a Shell station) they call it recreation gas.
I to had rust issue in the petrol tank of my Bonneville, I am sure I purchased a Motul product that treated the inside of the tank and have not had a problem since.

Update, the product I used was not a Motul product. Not sure where I got from but I recall emptying the tank, putting a bottle of product In then shaking the hell out of the tank then emptying the dirty product out, letting stand overnight, job done.
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My guess is that the ethanol causes corrosion. It attracts moisture. I run only non-ethanol in my bikes, mowers, chain saws, etc. etc. Hard to find in mostplaces. Where I get it, (a Shell station) they call it recreation gas.

Reference the ethanol, here in the UK Shell use 5% in all their petrol, as do all the others. BP, Texaco, etc.
Esso however, don’t put ethanol in their premium 97RON petrol, which is what I will now use.
I only ever put Shell in my bike and cars previously.
I’ll let the dealer have a look and take it from there.
@ABC123 ,

I thought I had posted all the results on the original thread?? Nah, probably sent them to the Vat man :whitstling::whitstling:

Happy?? That's an understatement! Since having all that work done, it's a completely different bike to ride! It is so much more responsive on the throttle, very much smoother on take off too. It was a little bit alarming when moving off at traffic lights for example, it just started moving and then would shoot off up the road like a scalded cat, this was without any further input on the throttle! Caused a couple of minor involuntary bowel movements, but nothing too serious. The steering is now spot on, nice and fluid without any sudden movements. I was having to constantly hold the bars and correct direction on right handers but not any more. All in all, I was very impressed with the service and knowledge of Keith and Andy at Dyno Tech.

I have uploaded the Dyno results below.


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I didn’t check the original thread. :rolleyes:

That sounds like a great result. I’m sure I’ll be saying the same after they’ve done mine.

An electrician working here also rides, but not a Rocket, and he and all his pals use Dynotech, all are unanimous in their praise.