I thought I’d just see how low the petrol was in the tank, as the reading was showing zero miles.
I shone a torch in the aperture, and there are about half a dozen small spots in the bottom of the tank.
There is rust around the part that looks like a sender unit?
Bike is 2016 and still has 5 months warranty.
Anyone else have this or have checked for rust?
I can’t take a pic as the aperture is too small to accommodate the torch and a camera.
My guess is that the ethanol causes corrosion. It attracts moisture. I run only non-ethanol in my bikes, mowers, chain saws, etc. etc. Hard to find in most places. Where I get it, (a Shell station) they call it recreation gas.
I to had rust issue in the petrol tank of my Bonneville, I am sure I purchased a Motul product that treated the inside of the tank and have not had a problem since.
Update, the product I used was not a Motul product. Not sure where I got from but I recall emptying the tank, putting a bottle of product In then shaking the hell out of the tank then emptying the dirty product out, letting stand overnight, job done.
My guess is that the ethanol causes corrosion. It attracts moisture. I run only non-ethanol in my bikes, mowers, chain saws, etc. etc. Hard to find in mostplaces. Where I get it, (a Shell station) they call it recreation gas.
Reference the ethanol, here in the UK Shell use 5% in all their petrol, as do all the others. BP, Texaco, etc.
Esso however, don’t put ethanol in their premium 97RON petrol, which is what I will now use.
I only ever put Shell in my bike and cars previously.
I’ll let the dealer have a look and take it from there.
At the Shell where I get my non-ethanol, it is on a separate pump, away from the others. My Brother in law used to deliver the gas there, and told me all about it.
At the Shell where I get my non-ethanol, it is on a separate pump, away from the others. My Brother in law used to deliver the gas there, and told me all about it.
I thought I had posted all the results on the original thread?? Nah, probably sent them to the Vat man
Happy?? That's an understatement! Since having all that work done, it's a completely different bike to ride! It is so much more responsive on the throttle, very much smoother on take off too. It was a little bit alarming when moving off at traffic lights for example, it just started moving and then would shoot off up the road like a scalded cat, this was without any further input on the throttle! Caused a couple of minor involuntary bowel movements, but nothing too serious. The steering is now spot on, nice and fluid without any sudden movements. I was having to constantly hold the bars and correct direction on right handers but not any more. All in all, I was very impressed with the service and knowledge of Keith and Andy at Dyno Tech.