Running issue at speed


Oct 6, 2013
Livermore, Ca
2008 Rocket III Tourer
Hey all,

I have been having an issue for about a week now that I am having trouble diagnosing.

Current info;
2008 R3T
30,000 miles on it
Stock exhaust, K&N air filter, Power-Tripp's advised tune for stock R3T's
Checked all connections and vacuum ports/hoses/connections.

Before installing the new tune the bike would (at full operating temp) occasionally loose power when at freeway speeds when either A) holding steady throttle on a down hill incline, or B) when holding a steady throttle on nearly flat ground. (in and around 65-75 mph)

Now with the new tune that all has moved down to around 45-55 mph and has become much more pronounced.
It almost feels like the bike is momentarily starving for fuel.

As stated before; yes I am a former Triumph mechanic. These days I am completely out of that business. So I don't have the connections and contacts at Triumph anymore. Sadly including the Triumph diagnostic software.

My guess is that one of the sensors (TPS or temp) might be going.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Check the coil connections. Check Plugs how old are they, Put the tune in again .Reset adaptions . Reset the tps. Check the
balance on the TB,how old is the fuel filter. how good is the fuel.
Yep Pedro has a good idea to start with. The low tension coil wire get loose and need to be recrimped with a pair of needle nose pliers after clening the coil connectors. Also use dialectric grease on them.
Pedro and all,

Thanks for the start.

I replaced the plugs (old ones were original equipment).
This did start before I installed the new tune and before I replaced the plugs.
I did the plugs and tune at the same time (I know, bad me for doing several updates at once and trying to sort out an issue).
I was wondering about the fuel filter. It has never been changed and I run whatever is cheapest I can find. Locally it will be Valero or the gas station attached to my grocery store. On the road I tend to go with Chevron.

I know that all the coil leads connected solidly and were solidly connected when I changed the plugs.

Now, if I remember correctly, the filter is part of the fuel pump in the tank. And my CRS brain seems to want to remember that it's part of the fuel pump itself. Or am I remembering wrong?
(I know I remember that the 955 Tigers/Speed Triples had a changeable fuel filter because we used BMW filters when replacing them because parts had a ***** of a time getting stock Triumph ones. Not that this helps here.)

Like I said in the OP; the issue was at a higher RPM with the factory tune and original plugs. Now it's at a lower RPM.
I can tell that the new tune has improved power. I can feel that in the seat of my pants. And this issue is ONLY occurs when the bike is fully warmed up (to the point of having been ridden for over 30 miles) and either when holding the throttle steady on a down hill or near flat road. No where else.

Thanks again.
I had a similar issue with my 09...At certain speeds it would just cut out for a second...Dealer made a few adjustments and also changed the TPS . Did not help..Then they changed the stepper motor that controls the idle, and it all went away..I'm not saying that's your issue, but it worked for me.......
Cruzn6, thank you for your input!
Went by the dealership today and they found the TPS was out of spec. Took time to adjust everything back within spec and then the idle was too high.
After test riding and re-adjusting we decided the TPS has gone to crap.
So, new one ordered.