Run to the Keys

Looks like this is shaping up to be a pretty good ride. Thanks guys
I contend, there is nothing worse than I 35 between Denton and Dallas.
I lived in Dallas for 16 years before moving to Miami, I learned how to ride in Dallas traffic! I bought my first bike in Garland and road it home to Bachman Lake at 5pm on a Friday, still wonder how I survived that. Maybe big D has gotten worse since I left in '01, but honestly Miami is just an awful place to ride or drive anything. You have people who are middle aged but have only been driving a couple years, or if they have their experience was in Caracas and they drive accordingly! My wife's from Argentina, and frankly even driving in Buenos Aires is better. Buuuuuut. don't let that dissuade you from visiting, there's alot of cool places to go and see, just be careful.