Run premium fuel?

Here in the UK the rule of thumb seems pretty simple.

If you're running the tank down and replenishing with fuel on a regular basis use 95-RON (Regular) which is labelled as E10.

If you're letting fuel sit in the tank for longer than a month then best run E5 which is Super/Premium and rated at 98-RON.

Basically, the issue with Regular fuel these days is the Ethanol or 'Bio' content in it which tends to produce water in the tank which is not a happy situation to have so lowering the risk of it building up, best to use fuel with the lowest 'Bio' content if it's going to sit for a period.

I understand that some vehicles have water traps built into the fuel system, but at the end of the day water isn't the thing you want inside your fuel system.

I am no expert. Just relating what I have been informed by various mechanics over recent years, here in the UK.

I also read somewhere that the fuels' octane rating can drop over time, when in storage, so logic says that by putting 98 RON in the tank, say, over the winter lay-up period, will ensure a healthy enough octane value is the spring.

I am interested to hear what others think about the above.
I'm in the US. The difference between Regular and Premium is only the octane rating. Neither is better than the other. Octane ratings are based on the pressure at which a fuel will spontaneously combust. In cars, at least, a higher octane will reduce pinging.
I always use the "clean" or "clear" gas which is a point or two higher on the octane, but has no ethanol added. I use that in all motorcycles and my lawn mower. I still add Stabil to the tanks during the winter while they sit a lot, though.
I use just the regular stuff in my cars.
So after running premium on my 05 and 14 Rockets I ran it on my 2020 Rocket with zero problems. I dropped to 87 on advice from a member posting (Turbo200R4 or Dougl I don't recall). I have been on 87 for for 4 months and have noticed no difference in any style of riding. It seems to have all the power it had on premium, always starts on the first pull. I also had problems with stalling every once in a while while slowing/stopping. I have not had that issue since I dropped to 87. So for me I'll stay with the 87 and save a few thousand dollars, (Hey, it's California). If you have difficulty like I did dropping down start with mid grade for a few months and then go to 87. I call it the three step program for high octane addicts like me. Cheers.:thumbsup:

I'm in that three step program, currently on step two. On my second tank now of mid-grade and, I don't think I'm making this up, it runs better- snappier throttle. Maybe it's not the fuel, but the change in the weather 🤷🏼‍♂️, but it is definitely running great with 89.

I wish I'd known about this earlier, not only for the financial benefit but also increased performance (at least it seems so).
I'm in that three step program, currently on step two. On my second tank now of mid-grade and, I don't think I'm making this up, it runs better- snappier throttle. Maybe it's not the fuel, but the change in the weather 🤷🏼‍♂️, but it is definitely running great with 89.

I wish I'd known about this earlier, not only for the financial benefit but also increased performance (at least it seems so).
It may be that I'm full of sh** but the Rocket seems to not be as hot as when on Premium. I'm down to mid grade 89 and regular 87 but never 91 anymore. The Rocket isn't as hot or feel as hot I should say when I dismount the Rocket. When I ran 91 in hot weather my seat got as hot as hell riding but now it's still relatively hot but not concerning anymore. I know it has something to do with the fuel burning/igniting faster with lower grade or something like that. I was going to read up on it but I remembered that it was lunch time so that went out the window. Maybe tomorrow.:thumbsup:
Where i live we basically have three fuels, 10% ethanol, premium 93 mid91 reg87, the rockets run on 87 even the new ones with a higher compression ratio then the 2300s. Ive built my engine so 87 will work until i go thumping on it hard, it was tuned with pump 93 for 207hp, when you get above 10:5-1 compression ratio most builders are not running 87, on load, traveling weighed down, racing, stuff like that, detonation is bad, damage currently probably 10:7-1 or higher, i had a time getting my cylinder pressure down to 210, if i had to on a rally put 87 in I would need octane boost to hoon, i might could limp to next station to get some premium 93, On my stock engine i run 93 not for the octane but for additive package shell adds. For me fuel cost has no factor on gas that i put in a motorcycle tank. I wanna keep it clean the best i can. I dont buy cleaners at parts store the premium keeps it clean, no deposits, black but no burnt up stuff ive found.


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I'm in that three step program, currently on step two. On my second tank now of mid-grade and, I don't think I'm making this up, it runs better- snappier throttle. Maybe it's not the fuel, but the change in the weather 🤷🏼‍♂️, but it is definitely running great with 89.

I wish I'd known about this earlier, not only for the financial benefit but also increased performance (at least it seems so).
the 2500s have good compression I imagine it was real what you felt
It may be that I'm full of sh** but the Rocket seems to not be as hot as when on Premium. I'm down to mid grade 89 and regular 87 but never 91 anymore. The Rocket isn't as hot or feel as hot I should say when I dismount the Rocket. When I ran 91 in hot weather my seat got as hot as hell riding but now it's still relatively hot but not concerning anymore. I know it has something to do with the fuel burning/igniting faster with lower grade or something like that. I was going to read up on it but I remembered that it was lunch time so that went out the window. Maybe tomorrow.:thumbsup:
Absolutely different temps, not the fuel, but engine efficiency will produce lower temps. 89 it probably likes best from what you and journeyman are saying,
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