Rules of the Road???

Watch the front wheel of that stopped car that could pull out in front of you. You'll see it turn much sooner than you'll notice the entire car move. I don't make eye contact (it's not reliable). Watch the wheel. Best tip I've ever learned.

I'd rather have light in my eyes, than theirs. Not really a rule...

Waving is optional, sure, but if you assess the brand of my bike in order to determine if you'll respond, you're a dick, most likely, in all aspects of your life. I'm pretty sure that's one of the laws of the universe.

Edit: #5). See a Rider in Need? Stop...... Yeah, I could have used that one this past weekend.
You are so correct about watching the front wheels. My father taught me this when just a pup and it has served me well.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
3). Know Rider-to-Rider Communication

Ok, so I use the head pat vs. sticking your finger up and whirling it around. I think the first is easier to spot from across the road, but I see lots of riders with puzzled looks. Which one do you guys use to indicate potential trouble ahead? Just curious....
Head Pat, tapping the top of your helmet, means cop ahead around here
In a disagreement between a motorcycle and any other vehicle on the road...the bike always loses. Avoid using your bike to attempt to push others around or enforce your will on others by riding up beside them and giving them a dirty look. One flick of the steering wheel and you immediately lose the argument and look like an idiot. Refer to previously stated rules regarding relative mass.