RPM while cruising at 80mph

Ya and so you know
My last furnace I had in the shop was a Lucifer Red Devil II
2200 F upper furnace and 1200 F tempering oven in the bottom. Man talk about cooking a steak fast.

I wanna come over for supper!
Ya and so you know
My last furnace I had in the shop was a Lucifer Red Devil II
2200 F upper furnace and 1200 F tempering oven in the bottom. Man talk about cooking a steak fast.
I’m thinking any furnace named Lucifer has got to get **** hot....
First on the Touring I have no tach so I have no idea what I am running as far as RPMs.

The engine is so different than anything else out there I am not sure I would want to compare it to a Harley Twiin.

With the torque this thing has I always thought the proper gearing would be a 2 speed transmission. Start and GO
I dunno...I think the touring trans is about right.....slight overdrive, and yes, you CAN wring the throttle back and pass whomever very easily. I think THAT's why the gears are where they are. If they really wanted to make a sedate tourer they coulda done it. But they were building a ROCKET! And that's what we bought!

You should install a tach on your Touring. First thing I did to mine and really great to drive with. Tach and speedo put together and you can tell which gear your in.
Seems that way to me. I imagine something like a CVT.