Hanging out with a buddy of mine who is 100% HD. yesterday he took me to the HD speed shop where he hangs out. Drove in and 1/2 dz riders there , the mechanics there standing outside and yes I did get a look of none compliance. Everyone there had good things to say about my bike without having ever ridden one . So I offered everyone there the chance to go for a ride and see what they are missing. Nothing! Not one person would get on and try it. All I wanted to do was give them a chance to confirm whatever thought they might have . They major comment they had was that it was too powerful. To big . One lad thought and confirmed if the seat were redone he would definitely go for a ride. Once again Triumph R 3 T RULES!!!! One more thing about fuel mileage after tuning, tors pipes and air filter, preliminary 7lts per 100 km . 7/100 average speed 125-130 km/hr