Rode The 2014 Indian Chiefton Today

Yup, take ANY harley in to the dealer for a noise, and the first thing they say is: "THEY ALL DO THAT" ha ha ha
i just realized that me and the rocket have something in common, when first awakened, we are both rattley and a little grumpy
The Chieftan is a very beautiful bike!! Lots of options....even electric lock and unlock the hard bags from the tank switch!!!! LOL.....great entertainment system......4 in electric adjustment on all over, keyless start with a passcode in case youve lost your control!!!!!!.....control your phone from the hadlebars linked thru bluetooth and link it to your entertainment system......also can link your bluetooth comm systems thru the entertainment system as well.......seems to me Polaris hit the nail on the head........and as far as HP and Torque are concerned.......well theres plenty for the level headed follow the rules of the road and enjoy the scenery type of rider..........some people arent interested in jacking up there bikes just to say they have lots of something they can only use on the track.
Some machines can be enjoyed for their awesome engineering and attention to detail.
But to each their own

HUH Brother you obviously never rode a harley or even a thunderbird Storm for that matter! I bought a 06 R3C this summer and this engine is quiter then any motor I have ever heard, Makes me wonder how important proper break in is or if it's in the assembly when I read posts like this?
only one department the Rocket will beat the new indian in is a sraight line race, the rocket is as ugly as sin and it has the same problem as every other triumph triple it is one noisy engine.


The Chieftain weighs about the same as the R3T, and its just another bike about which they say "it handles well for what it is." Its no Rocket beater on ANY public road. The differences will all be due to the rider's skill, except for the case you mention, i.e. the straight line race. Then the Indian will be left slightly ahead of the Harleys and the Victorys.

Mine is as quiet as any motor out there (probably due to break in and maintenance issues), and I've NEVER heard anyone else call a Rocket ugly.

I'd say you're smokin' old grape vines.

You do not think the Rocket is on the ugly side????????????????? all I can say is keep smoking or drinking it is working pretty well for you.

All triumph inline threes are good strong reliable engines but noisy engines they are, this is why I always tell my students to wear ear protection.

I've NEVER heard anyone else call a Rocket ugly.

I'd say you're smokin' old grape vines.

Oh she be ugly alright, but not in a literal sense. Ask any bull terrier owner if their dog's ugly. Some bikes are simply things of beauty to everyone due to their lines, balance and symmetry. But mostly a bike is beautiful to its owner. Some like to bling them to the max and think it looks good; others do the opposite. Each to his own. But a Rocket is ugly. Well, everyone else's is.
All triumph inline threes are good strong reliable engines but noisy engines they are, this is why I always tell my students to wear ear protection.

I teach IC engines and alternative fuels and power trains in a college of engineering with degrees through the Ph.D. I've supervised the student formula team, in my lab I have assorted equipment, including brake based chassis dyno, 5 gas analyzers, etc. And I've ridden for 46 years. And back in the day (over 40 years ago), I was service manager in a dealership that sold Honda, Kawasaki, Triumph, Bultaco, and assorted other Japanese and Euro marques.

The R3T is one of the ONLY bikes I've ever ridden where I consider the ear plugs optional. I wear them, but out of habit, not out of necessity.

I've NEVER heard anyone say that an R3T was ugly until this thread. Of course, as you can see from my post count, I don't spend a lot of time on forums. Generally they're a waste of time. That's a good rule, and nearly always true.
My R3C is an acquired taste visually but I think Triumph nailed the looks of the R3T and as looks go the new Indians are so retro they have probably limited their market to shriners and kids who grew up with memories of dads bike in the garage. I like the modern engine but the rest of it belongs in a museum