Rode a Victory Cross Country this afternoon...

best response so far
Nothing is impossible
Stb clutch cable broke on hers also bout a month ago
My reply is sarcasm. I mentioned a broken clutch cable here one time and I was lambasted for such a lie. Apparently someone here does not believe a clutch cable is capable of breaking. I am looking for a reaction from said party. I have had several broken clutch cables in my 47 years of motorcycle riding.
Thats the best advice I have seen from you in a long time. Good Job.

Nahh I don't believe you either! It must be myth, I can't believe a person wouldn't believe a clutch cable could break through normal wear even if lubed. Is there really such an opinionated one eyed ogre who cannot accept the experience of others? Where the F*ck is Hercules when you want him, probably chasing sirens again, the lucky bastard!

No kawasaki is worth risking 22.5 puncture just keep riding it, it will get so hot it will probably spontaneously combust

me to,Almost all the Suzuki 109 Boulevard owners I know carry a spare clutch cable with them as they break with regularity
No kawasaki is worth risking 22.5 puncture just keep riding it, it will get so hot it will probably spontaneously combust

22 wheels is correct unless you count the two spares, funny in the US they have lots of "18wheelers" in OZ this combination is used for hauling pillows and Corn Flakes