Rode a Victory Cross Country this afternoon...

I must have a problem with my Concours as well since I don't notice ANY significant heat. Maybe I've totally lost feeling in my legs?!?

I'm very lucky to have the extended warranty on the Concours so I'm going to take it to my trusted Kawasaki dealer first thing tomorrow morning and tell him the Oracle said it was supposed to be hotter than He11 and I demand it be fixed that way so I can be completely miserable riding it...
:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:best response so far:D
Nothing is impossible
Stb clutch cable broke on hers also bout a month ago
My reply is sarcasm. I mentioned a broken clutch cable here one time and I was lambasted for such a lie. Apparently someone here does not believe a clutch cable is capable of breaking. I am looking for a reaction from said party. I have had several broken clutch cables in my 47 years of motorcycle riding.
The question is not whether they'd sell. There is a market for pretty much everything. So far my experience of R3 owners is that they are rather individualistic. i.e Nothing factory would ever be quite right as it would be the same as everybody else's.

But the major question is - is there enough sales latency to cover R+D costs and make a decent profit plus commercial margin to support dealers. Very early on there were speculations of a fully faired R3 with all the gubbins. A guy in Italy even made a kit - he had to close his doors.

Also bear this in mind.

Vehicle prices in the US are cheaper than most of the world. Especially compared to income. Most see this as the ROW subsidizing US sales. Anything that will not sell ROW will be quite a bit more expensive in the US. Not quite Confederate pricing - but certainly Harley CVO type prices. In Europe (especially post brexit - which has most certainly influenced the future of R+D plus sales for EU mfrs) the market to go for is Germany. There is a BIG reason why the adventure type bikes appeared: Germans. BMW gave them what they wanted and the rest followed.

Having had the R3 - I would not have another bike like it. tbh My old Buell S3T was MUCH better for our roads. But rear seat was too small for my missus peace of mind. She now has little or no interest in riding. I don't regret buying the R3. I do regret selling the S3 and tbh if I had kept it - I think I would have sold the R3 by now.
Right there with you. With the R3 platform, they have the best foundation in the industry. Slap on a nice fairing, luggage, cruise, heated seats and be done with it! Maybe electric locking bags like Indian and a "infotainment system". None of that old-school, underpowered, air-cooled V-twin stuff. :)
Art, that is the point here -- you make a sweeping, deterministic statement based on your self-centered view of the world -- everyone else be ****ed.

I used to be in Government contracting, and I assure you I could -- and people do -- manage requirements to make any competition come out with any given outcome.

And most folks find the Rocket too big (it isn't we all know, but we also know humans conquered the planet being mostly fearful of the unknown and avoiding it). So on that criterion alone, I could rant all day long about how one thing is bad, and another thing is so much better. But I don't. And we don't.

It gets tiresome. Didn't your mother ever tell you, "If you can't say something nice, don't?" I'm here to remind you, she did, and it's never too late to follow your mom's good advice.
Thats the best advice I have seen from you in a long time. Good Job.
My reply is sarcasm. I mentioned a broken clutch cable here one time and I was lambasted for such a lie. Apparently someone here does not believe a clutch cable is capable of breaking. I am looking for a reaction from said party. I have had several broken clutch cables in my 47 years of motorcycle riding.

Nahh I don't believe you either! It must be myth, I can't believe a person wouldn't believe a clutch cable could break through normal wear even if lubed. Is there really such an opinionated one eyed ogre who cannot accept the experience of others? Where the F*ck is Hercules when you want him, probably chasing sirens again, the lucky bastard! ;):eek::rolleyes::whitstling::whitstling::D
When my Son brings the Prime mover back to his yard this afternoon I will get him to back over the bike with his tri axel trailer and bogie drive on the Mack then drive back over it ,to spare me the danger of heat exhaustion
then douse myself in lemon pledge to purify my hide for daring to own/ride anything but a Rocket:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

No kawasaki is worth risking 22.5 puncture just keep riding it, it will get so hot it will probably spontaneously combust
yes, i do:(:( im a bike hore:(


Hore has a W Jus sayin';)

never found it, did she lost it?

You mean its spelt Horwse :cautious:

Finally!! somebody that can write correctly!!:D

The March Hare is running 5 hours late on that one ;):p:rolleyes::rolleyes::whitstling::whitstling::roll:

My reply is sarcasm. I mentioned a broken clutch cable here one time and I was lambasted for such a lie. Apparently someone here does not believe a clutch cable is capable of breaking. I am looking for a reaction from said party. I have had several broken clutch cables in my 47 years of motorcycle riding.

me to,Almost all the Suzuki 109 Boulevard owners I know carry a spare clutch cable with them as they break with regularity
No kawasaki is worth risking 22.5 puncture just keep riding it, it will get so hot it will probably spontaneously combust

22 wheels is correct unless you count the two spares, funny in the US they have lots of "18wheelers" in OZ this combination is used for hauling pillows and Corn Flakes :laugh::laugh: