Rockets hitting the smokeys

I’ll be bringing a buddy with me. He’s a member. He rides much faster than I. I figure Kevin and Dave along with a few crazies will leave bread crumbs. Slow pokes like me will catch up after the first few rounds…
We are booked for the A Holiday, at least the week days. If we stay the weekend, we have to switch rooms.
Chip the boys will tell ya nobody rides slower than me so it may be good to have some company at the back of the pack.
I have reservations for myself and Guzzi Dan Sunday through Thursday, hoping Friday and Saturday open up, they had another group that hada lot of rooms booked for then but were having difficulty getting confirmations
U might get reservations at the one across the street
Billb is planning on being there also
There is also a good place down the street that I stayed at RAA. Stoney Creek very friendly owner that has clean towels to wipe your bike down with.