Rockets aren't for everyone...

I agree although If I ever do buy one it will be used for overnighters so I hope it 'tours' well. I'm betting it will.
I can tour on one. I’ll just make Sandy carry all my crap. We always stop for breaks( pee, eat, drink, smoke a pipe or just yack) every 70 miles or so on a day ride that varies from 200-300 miles in a day so I’m good on nearly any bike.

For real Sandy is always on a bagger Indian so I have the use of one saddlebag for any goodies or gear I need to add or shed.

For multiple day overnight trips I’ll just take the Roadmaster.
Post not for the sensitive, all snowflakes stop reading now!
No not that word. She does not mind the C word and she uses it often but it’s used when she is giving instructions. Oops another TMI.

You were warned.
Nudge nudge wink wink
I bought my rocket based on research, I did not test ride it as it was in the middle of a city and did not want to have a incident due to not knowing the bike or the roads. I went to see it, sat on it checked the tyres and engine sound then had it delivered with a years warranty. Then took plenty of time to adapt to double the weight.
No regrets
Hahahaha I’ve seen my wife embarrass many a salesman. She is a researcher of facts.

I love embarrassing salesmen. Wife bought a new Jeep Compass 2 years back. We went to pick it up and she asked, how do I setup the blue tooth to connect to my phone? This should be something they know and can do for you as a courtesy before you drive away, right? TWO, yes TWO salesmen said, oh that's not a feature on this model. I promptly corrected them because I did my research and knew exactly what Media/ Audio package was in the car. They fumbled and scratched there heads for a few minutes. I said, come here and watch. And setup the bluetooth and connected her phone in under 3 minutes. The salesmen know Jack $h#t about the vehicles they sell. Their biggest concern to us? Make sure you do the online survey for our sales dept!! Told us at least 8 times before we left to do the survey. As we drove away, out of the blue my wife said F their survey, I'm not doing it. Nearly pee'd my pants laughing.
Not doing the survey is no where near as bad for them as giving a 9 out of 10. Give them lower than that and they will be called in to the sales manager.

As a customer I gave less than perfect scores for a car I purchased because they were less than perfect. I got calls from the sales manager and the branch manager telling me off for my survey response, but they weren't interested in what was actually wrong.

I had that over a bike I was buying, salesman was such an arse I lost my rag with him and told him to stuff it. Sales manager called me on my way home to have a go at ME!! Not to ask why I had pulled out of the deal! Should have known as I had previously ordered some boots there, waited for 3 weeks for them to come, got a call, went in and the idiot in the clothing department had sold them to someone else but was too busy dicking around with his mates to come and tell me, just left me hanging for about 20 minutes before I went over and asked where they were!! then he told me.

FYI - it was Millenium Motorcycles in St Helens for anyone this side of the pond thinking of buying from them.

Sorry if i have taken this off topic, needed to get that off my chest
Had similar problems with this group too, 'bout 3 years ago. Company owner has apparently been to court many times over imported/clocked bikes, false description, fraud etc... Can't remember his name but use google. Makes for some interesting reading!!