Rockets Across Oz, literally...

Aussie Post with a couple of stamps should fix it........ Express Post may be quicker?
Truck the bikes to Adelaide and then ride them to Melbourne GOR better from the SA end I reckon .. great ride and a shorter plane trip .. ticks all the boxes.

Top idea! A few others along for the ride would only make it better
the run from Border Village to Port Augusta is 1000+ km's - i've done it...........once...
Reckon the Rebs have planned the run to Perth to boost the numbers of their chapter there be plenty that won't want to ride back .. hahaha. Heard they plan to return via Darwin .. anything other then facing ' the big paddock' a second time
I'll take a rain check!

Great idea but no can do unfortunately- are you doing a practice run for next year?

Yeap looking forward to it, I need plenty of practice on the tarmac. Feel the need to get some clicks on the beastie as I have spent way to much time in the mud on the farm bike this year.