Rockets Across Oz, literally...

G'day blokes,

Any suggestions (other than the train) for transporting a Rocket from Perth to Melb for the GP and therefore RDU 2014?

Don't have the time to ride across and back and can't seem to find an R3 for hire anywhere in Vic. It is cheaper to hire a bike for 10 days than it is to ship it across and back on the Indian Pacific????

I reckon Mrs Hunt deserves a trip up the GOR on a Rocket but will happily compromise on a lesser machine if I have to hire one..

All thoughts appreciated....


Aussie Post with a couple of stamps should fix it........ Express Post may be quicker?
Truck the bikes to Adelaide and then ride them to Melbourne :D GOR better from the SA end I reckon .. great ride and a shorter plane trip .. ticks all the boxes.

Top idea! A few others along for the ride would only make it better :D
By the way, it's been flat out at Joe's for the last 2 weeks fitting tyres and selling (approved) helmets and other gear to the local Rebels. They all left on Thursday, about 70 or so, to ride to Perth for the national Rebels get together. They were planning 1,000km days and were meeting up with other chapters at Port Augusta and then riding over together.

No Cookies | Perth Now

Be interesting to see how they go. I'm sure more than a few of them had no idea what they were in for. Those that did were buying practical stuff, even full face helmets and rain gear. But some were buying undersized open faces so they could shave the liner down. 8,000km in an open face, hanging onto ape hangers!

Have to say that appart from a couple of blokes who thought they were sh1t hot, they were a decent bunch of guys. Meeting them at a bike shop probably helped. ;)

the run from Border Village to Port Augusta is 1000+ km's - i've done it...........once...;)
Reckon the Rebs have planned the run to Perth to boost the numbers of their chapter there ;) be plenty that won't want to ride back .. hahaha. Heard they plan to return via Darwin .. anything other then facing ' the big paddock' a second time :D
I'll take a rain check!

Great idea but no can do unfortunately- are you doing a practice run for next year? :)

Yeap looking forward to it, I need plenty of practice on the tarmac. Feel the need to get some clicks on the beastie as I have spent way to much time in the mud on the farm bike this year.