Rockets Across America V – Spring Launch

updated Count

as of 2/22/2010 - Things are starting to take shape thanks every on for booking early If I fill the 20 room I have blocked they will block an additional 10 room for the event.

Handle / #in party / #rockets / Room /
Trirocketman / 5 / 1 / Confirmed 2
scowherd & Katie / 2 / 1 / Confirmed
Jduke & Amanda / 2 / 1 / Confirmed
Rainman & STB / 2 / 2 / Confirmed
Scot in exile / 1 / 1 / Confirmed
Speedfreak / 1 / 1
Watsonian / 2 / 1
Warp9.9 / 1 / 1
wildwilley / 2 / 1
xhdskip / 2 / 2
Finkenator9 / 2 / 1 / Confirmed
Uncle Jesse / 2 / 1 / Confirmed
Boogerdave / 2 / 1 / Confirmed
FLDave / 1 / 1
Lester / 2 / 1 / Confirmed
Baggage / 1 / 1
64herald / 2 / 1 / Confirmed
Billz / 1 / 1
Stripes / 1 / 1
Total / 34 / 21
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I am fur sure maybe. I have to tidy up some of my personal issues (court a week from today) and without any unseen surprises (money) I will firm up in the weeks to come.

I have had a good time on the last two I went on, I think I am ready for a good time now. Heck, I may even let my hair down a little this time.:D

Have not been able to ride for 3 months because of the awful weather, in fact it is still at my other place with the charger on it.

If I do make it I will probably need to ride behind Her3tic again so I stay out of trouble.:eek:
RAA Spring - Routes

I finished the routes for the friday ride yesterday... all I can say is some will curse me and some will praise me but no body will be disappointed if curves is what you want I think I can deliver.

2 down 1 to go .........
Good news bill I have added you to the list let me know if something changes. I know you will be riding alone but need to know if you still plan on drinking enough for 2 :D
Good news bill I have added you to the list let me know if something changes. I know you will be riding alone but need to know if you still plan on drinking enough for 2 :D

Steve are you trying to insult big bilz, you know from past experience he drinks a **** load more than two people can handle then breaks out the hard stuff:p