Rockets Across America V – Spring Launch

Rockets Across America - Spring Launch --Please let me know if you want to be added to the list trying to get a head count to ensure I have enough rooms blocked and plan for the food. I would like to shoot for 30+ rockets to break last years record of 27.

Handle / #in party / #rockets
Trirocketman / 5 / 1
scowherd & Katie / 2 / 1
Jduke & Amanda / 2 / 1
Rainman & STB / 2 / 2
Scot in exile / 1 / 1
Speedfreak / 1 / 1
Watsonian / 2 / 1
Warp9.9 / 1 / 1
wildwilley / 2 / 1
xhdskip / 2 / 2
Finkenator9 / 2 / 1
Uncle Jesse / 2 / 1
Total / 24 / 14

Please let me know if you have any changes or need to be added to the list.
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at least if the tps goes out this time he can ride on the back with dusty :D

A guy misses one rendezvous because of Mechanical failure,
and you'd think I sabotaged it myself.
You guys know I wanted to be there.
Thats just wrong...
Pickin' on a man that way.:eek:

Love you guys, and I'll be there.
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If he don't ole buddy guess you're the designated driver/caretaker.
That orange shine is pretty good stuff ain't it?
If its done right, its got a pretty good kick to it too.:eek: